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  Alex gasps and turns to see Pasiphaë. "What do you want Pasiphaë?"
  Pasiphaë scoffs. "What do I want? I want you dead. I was the first! I was first!"
  Alex raises her arms slightly. "Why now? Why after seven thousand years? Why come back now?"
  "Because mom always protected you! She'd never let anyone hurt her weapon."
  Alex scoffs. "And after mom died?"
  "I got the crown." Pasiphaë smirks. "Enough conversation." She draws a sword. "It's time I kill you."
Alex draws her own sword. The swords clash. "I don't understand why you cared so much about mother." The push apart. "She made weapons out of children!"
  "We were never children!" Clang! "We were born and bred for war."
  Clang! "We may be weapons, but the does not have to be all we are!" Clang!
  "It's too late, Alex." Clang! "You ran out of time." Clang! Alex slashes her sword, quickly stabbing Pasiphaë. Pasiphaë gasps, blood spilling out of her wound and mouth. She drops her sword, the clang deafening.
  Tears fall down Alex's face. "I'm sorry."
  Pasiphaë smiles sadly. "Let's face it, nobody's gonna miss me here. Thank you." Pasiphaë body goes limp, sliding off the sword.
  Alex's hands shake as she drops the sword. She falls to her knees. Time seems to slow down. She screams. It echos through the city. The demons all stop. She stands, a scythe forming in her hand. "Your queen is dead! I am a new reign! Kneel or Bleed!"
  All the demons kneel as the tears run down her cheeks. She turns as she hears footsteps. Everyone is standing there. Hayden runs up to Alex, taking her head in her hands. She wipes Alex's tears. "It's over now."
  Alex places her hand over Hayden's. "At what cost."
  Hayden glances at Pasiphaë's body. "A big one. But, you'll get through it. Okay?"
  Alex smiles softly. "Okay."

A/N— Again sorry it was so short, wanted to split it up.

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