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  THEO AWAKES TO THE SUN PEAKING INTO THE BEDROOM. His and Liam's bedroom. He feels his boyfriend shift behind him, tightening his grip on Theo. He feels more than hears Liam take a deep breath.
"You know what my favorite thing about you is?" Liam asks.
Liam breaths in again. "My favorite thing about you is your smell. You smell like earth, herbs, garden... a little more human than the rest of us."
Theo smiles softly. "Really?"
Liam nods, placing kisses on Theo's shoulder. "Really. But, I love so many things about you, that's just my favorite."
Theo turns around, facing Liam. "I love you."
Liam places a soft kiss on Theo's lips. "I love you too. I always will."
  They get ready and head downstairs. They see Alex and Peter drinking coffee in the kitchen.
  Alex waves. "Good morning." She smiles. "The pack is meeting the avengers today."
Liam's eyes widen. "Holy shit, really?"
Peter nods. "Yeah. We have to figure out how to get you guys home."
Theo gives a sharp nod. "Alright, I'll wake everyone up." He walks off.


  They walk into the compound. The pack look around in awe.
  Peter smirks. "Cool isn't it?"
  Scott gapes. "Yeah."
  Peter walks forward. "Come on. They're waiting for you guys."
Silence falls upon the large room as they walk inside.
Tony walks up to Peter. "Hey kid. This is them?"
Peter nods. "Yeah."
Tony turns to the pack and gestures to the table. "Take a seat." They sit down.
Steve takes a deep breath. "Do you have any more information about what's going on?"
Scott is about to say no when Alex speaks up. "Yes actually." Her voice is uncharacteristically quiet. They turn to her. "I've notice a signature on the spell. Witches typically have one, marking the spells as theirs. It's one I recognize." She takes a deep breath, closing her eyes. Her eyes slowly open. "My older sister. Pasiphaë."
Both Devon and Theo choke on air. "SISTER?!" Hayden gentle squeezes Alex's hand, urging her to continue.
  "Yes," she looks at them, "sister. She's fourteen thousand years old. And she left when you were born, Devon."
  "Why would she wanna keep us here?" Devon asks. "We're family. Always and forever."
Alex scoffs, rolling her eyes. "We aren't the Mikealsons. She's always been jealous of me." She takes a deep breath. "Mother had created her first, but she wasn't powerful enough. It's why she created me. I haven't seen Pasiphaë in seven thousand years."
  "Why is she showing up now?" Theo questions.
  "I don't know." She furrows her brows. "All I know is that something big will happen."
  "What do you mean?" Hayden asks.
  "I mean that Pasiphaë is like our mother. A conqueror. She will come here to conquer this universe." She takes a deep breath. "It's in her nature. She wants vengeance. And, she'll get it."
  They sit in silence.


  Peter falls down after Alex punches him.
  "You aren't fighting smart. You're just fighting hard," she scolds. She holds out her hand to the boy cradling his nose.
  Peter takes it. "Yeah, um, how the hell am I supposed to do that."
  Alex scoffs. "How about use your common sense?"
  Peter rolls his eyes. "Just because I have spidey sense does not mean I have common sense."
  She sighs. "You have to learn. Pasiphaë could be coming any moment now."
  "Come on, Alex. It's been months."
  Alex growls. "If we relax, that's when she'll strike!" She walks off in anger.
  Peter sighs, running a hand over his face.


  Alex runs into her room slamming the door behind her. She slides down the door, her head in her hands.
  A knock startles her. "Alex? Can you open the door?"
  Lydia. Of course it's Lydia. Alex scoffs and moves out of the way. "It's open."
  Lydia walks in and kneels down next to Alex. "What's wrong?"
  Alex looks up. "I- I can't think. My thoughts are so loud, there screaming. Pasiphaë will be here and she'll destroy everything. Everything I love will become everything I've lost."
  Lydia sighs, finally sitting down. She wraps an arm around Alex. "Everyone is stressed about this. We're all waiting for the pin to drop. You're hurting. That's okay. It always will be."
  Alex lets out a sob. "It's just so hard. We'll never be ready. Never." She sniffs. "And you know what the worst part is?" She takes a shaky breath. "I can remember what it was like before. Before Pasiphaë became fueled by her need for power. When she protected me. Or maybe I'm just imagining things. I'm not so sure anymore."


  Nolan's eyes follow his boyfriend's pacing. He stands. Enough is enough. Gabe turns to glare at him, upset the Nolan has interrupted his pacing. "What's wrong? You've been tense for the past week."
  Gabe sighs, features softening. "I don't know. I just feel," he growls, "hungry. Hungrier than ever." He swallows. "And it scares me. I'm becoming less and less human and- and it scares me, so much. That maybe, sooner or later my human side will lose. It has to."
  Nolan places his delicate hand on Gabe's cheek. "Hey, hey don't think like that. You are not a monster. Not to me. You never, ever will be. You hear me? Please, don't think like that."
  Gabe nods, a hand coming up to cover Nolan's. "Okay."
  "Okay." Gabe kisses Nolan tenderly, thinking how much he hopes Nolan's words are true.


  Scott flashes his eyes at Stiles. "What the hell were you thinking?"
  Stiles flashes his orange eyes back. "What was I thinking? I was thinking that maybe we could add some information to our limited supply."
  "You almost killed someone, Stiles! We don't do that!"
  "You don't do that, Scott. But I have. Remember, Scott? I'm the fox. Remember? You can't trust a fox. I'm sorry I am what I am but, I can't do anything about it. I just can't." And with that, Stiles storms out of the room.
  Scott sighs and plops onto the couch, head in his hands. He hears Derek come into the room and feels him sit down. Scott doesn't look up.
  "He's stressed, we all are." Derek sighs. "We don't know when Pasiphaë will be here. We're on our toes. Don't judge him to harshly. He's your best friend."
  Scott meets Derek's eyes. "He almost killed someone, Derek. I know he's stressed but, I-" he sighs, "- I just don't know what to do. Maybe I'm not a good alpha after all."
  Derek shakes his head. "Your a good alpha. You're the alpha I wanted to be. You just need to let him cool off. Then talk to him again. Calmly." Derek stands and leaves the room.


  Devon walks into the kitchen to see Alex drinking from a bottle of tequila. "Stop drinking away your feelings."
  "Fuck off."
  "You think you're the only person out there who's felt like that? That no one is hurting as much as you are? You're wrong. So stop acting like a bitch. Put your big girl pants on. You are a warrior. Act like one." He leaves.
  Alex is left staring at the half empty bottle of tequila, wondering if her brother is right. She closes the bottle after a minute of contemplation. She is a warrior. She will act like one. There's a war coming. She's gonna have to.

A/N— Soooooo sorry for the delay. I;
1) hit writers block
2) school is completely kicking my ass
Be glad to hear that I know how the rest of the story is gonna go, but there will be much slower updates due to school and whatnot.

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