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Alex raises an eyebrow at Hayden. "Out?"
Hayden nods. "Yes, out." Hayden sits next to Alex, grasping her hand. "You need to relax." Seeing Alex about to argue, she continues. "I know you don't want to, but you need to. You are working day and night. It isn't healthy. If she comes, we'll be ready."
Alec sighs, rubbing circles on Hayden's hand. "I know your right, but-"
Hayden cuts her off, placing a hand on her cheek. "But nothing. All of us could use it. It doesn't even matter where. We could all go to dinner, or maybe, I don't know, something."
Alex smiles softly. "Okay." She places her hand over Hayden's. "What if we go to a museum? And then walk around the city?"
  Hayden smiles. "Okay, let's get ready than, and wake the other losers up."
  Alex snorts and nods. "Yeah, lets do that."


"Catch me!" Liam pushes Theo and runs.
"Hey!" Theo yells and chases after his boyfriend.
Alex smiles at her nephew. She turns to Hayden. "Thank you for this."
Hayden just smiles at her.
Everyone freezes. Their heads turn to the sky.
Stiles eyes widen at the portal opening in the sky. "Holy shit!"
Alex looks up in horror. "That's her."
  Hayden grabs Alex's hand. "We're ready."
  Alex lets her eyes glow. "Ready?" Everyone's eyes flash in response. Creatures roar and fly through the portal.
  "What the hell are those things?" Stiles yelps.
  Alex looks at them. "Demons and dragons and shit. Anything that has to do with fire." She sprouts wings. "Time to kick some demon ass. Theo, Devon, Stiles and I will be in the air. Everyone else on the ground. Does anyone need weapons?"
  Scott nods. "It would be nice."
  Alex nods. She hands an axe to Scott. "These are based on your skills." She hands Lydia sharp discs. Malia gets a spear. Hayden gets two katanas. Derek gets two hand guns. Liam gets a chain with a scathe attached. Corey gets a bow and arrows with a dagger. Issac gets a large shield. Mason gets a rifle. Gabe gets daggers. Nolan gets a high power crossbow. "Alright," she turns to the others, "let's go."'
  Her, Theo, Devon, and Stiles fly away while more demons hit the ground.
Just as everyone else is about to leave, Scott speaks. "Wait!" They all turn to him. "We need to make a plan. We aren't immortal like they are. If we do this, we do this together. We don't have the luxury of winging this."
Derek raises an eyebrow. "What do you suggest we do?"
Scott sighs. "Stick together. Make sure everyone is in sight. Don't go off on your own. Watch each other's back. Work as one. We won't win on our own."
A demon roars. They all turn to each other and nod, going to fight. Scott buries his axe in a demons chest. Issac knocks down three with his shield. Derek headshots two. Lydia tosses one of her discs, cutting the head off a demon. It returns to her hand. Malia charges at one, growling, and strikes it straight through the heart. Liam spins his scythe over his head. He throws it at a demon, ripping its' arm off. Hayden cuts its' head off. Corey shoots a demon heading towards Lydia. Mason shoots three heading towards citizens. Nolan shoots one in the eye and Gabe slits its' throat.
Scott jumps as he suddenly notices the Black Widow next to him, shooting the demon he was struggling with. "Thanks."
She smirks no problem.
Corey's eyes widen as he sees Issac using Captain America's shield instead of his own. "Did you seriously just steal Captain America's shield?"
Issac just smirks. "I'm not totally useless. I can be used as a bad example." He tosses the shield, hitting a demon square in the face. Suddenly a dark tower emerges.
Lydia's eyes widen. "How the hell do we deal with that?"
Malia growls, eyes flashing. "We hit it until it breaks."
Hayden holds her back. "Whoa whoa whoa. Hold on. Think about this. This is, by far, the dumbest idea you've even had." Malia growls.
Liam sighs. "That can be plan B. Let's try plan A."
Mason raises an eyebrow. "And what's plan A?" When he sees that Liam doesn't have an answer, he continues. "Maybe you should try plan D for dumbass."
"Maybe," Black Widow starts, "we should see what it is."
Scott sighs in relief. "Yes. Let's not fight amongst ourselves."
They run into the dark tower, unaware of what lies inside.


Alex is flying with the others killing all the demons in their path. Once they fly to the portal, she speaks. "We need to close it!"
Theo looks at her. "How?!"
Alex looks up to the portal and then back to Theo. "We use every bit of power we have."
They begin. Alex freezing it over, Devon keeping the demons in, and Theo reinforcing. Stiles helps Devon keep the demons in. Out of the corner of her eye, Alex sees a tower emerge. She starts to move away.
  "What are you doing?!" Theo screams over the noise.
  Alex looks at him, forgetting what she was doing. She looks at him desperately. "I can end this!"
  Theo looks to the portal and back at her. "Then go end it."
  Alex dives to the tower, landing roughly on the roof. She coughs. She hears a chuckle.
  "Hello little sister."

A/N— sorry it's kinda short, the next two will be also short because it just looks the best.
Here comes Pasiphaë.

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