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ALEX IS WOKEN AWAKE BY HER ALARM CLOCK. She groans as she throws it across the room. Only a few minutes pass before Stiles runs in.
He shakes Alex. "We have a trip!"
"Go away," Alex groans.
He stops. "Are you hungover? You reek of alcohol."
Alex turns to lay on her back. "Yes."
Stiles rolls his eyes. "We have a trip, let's go."
Alex squints. "What if I just didn't?"
"No. You're going. If I have to drag your ass out of bed I will."
She groans and sits up. "Fine." She stands and shoos Stiles out to get dressed. She throws on jeans and a baggy sweatshirt. She throws on sun glasses as well. She walks into the kitchen.
  Stiles laughs as she walks in. "Look Who finally came down. Come on we're gonna be late."
  Gabe, Alex, Theo and Stiles sit in the car and Scott drives them to school.
  As they get out, Scott does too. He walks up to Alex and hands her a water bottle. "Here. It'll help."
  Alex thanks him and make her way to te ugly yellow school bus. She makes her way to the back, Stiles sitting next to her. His constant talking is making her want to tear his vocal cords out.
  Peter turns to Ned. "I should've stayed home."
  Ned shakes his head. "No way. I would've stopped talking to you if you didn't come."
  Peter rolls his eyes and sinks in his seat. This is going to be awful.


  When they arrive at the compound, Stiles nudges Alex awake. She groans. Reluctantly, she stands and follows everyone out of the bus.
  They walk into the compound. Mr. Harrington walks up to the reception desk. "I have a tour. Midtown high Decathlon team." (A/N- I feel like that's not the name.)
  The receptionist looks up. "Yes. A tour guide will be with you in a moment."
  Only a minute passes before a girl, Emily, walks up to them. "Welcome everyone to the Avengers Compound. My name is Emily." Everyone greets her. She picks up a plastic book at the desk. "Here I have all your guest badges here. When I call your name come up and get you badge." Her eyes skim the team, before noticing Peter. Her smile brightens instantly. "Peter! I didn't know you were coming."
  Peter blushes slightly. "Yeah. I'm on the Decathlon team."
  "You have your badge, right?" Peter nods. "Alright than, now I'll call everyone." She calls everyone's name. She notices Alex's sunglasses. "Excuse me, Miss," she looks at Alex's badge, "Frost, no sunglasses." Alex takes of her sunglasses, thoroughly annoyed.
  Flash walks up to Peter. "So you weren't lying?" Peter shakes his head. "Huh. What do ya know?" He walks away.
  Emily continues to talk. "There are multiple badge ranks. There are Alpha, Beta, and Omega. Alpha being the highest. In those ranks there are five sub-ranks. Right know we all have to scan our badges." Emily approaches the door.
  A voice speaks. "Emily Nocenti. Beta level one."
The students follow, badges all Omega level one.
  Peter walks up to the scanner. He scans his badge.
  Friday reads out his card. "Peter Parker. Alpha level five." That leaves his teammates gaping at him. "Would you like me to inform boss of your arrival?"
  "No, that's fine Fri," Peter says.
  Alex follows Peter, not bothered by the situation. The voice reads out her card.
  Stiles goes next. "Mieczysław Stilinski. Omega level-." Stiles is so excited, that he looses control of his powers and short circuits the scanner.
  Alex smirks as he walks out. "Good going Mischief."
  He gawks at her. "I didn't do anything."
  She rolls her eyes.
  Emily looks at the two confused. "We'll get that fixed. Um.. so right now we are going to the Avengers museum." They walk for a few minutes before they get to a museum-like room. "You have 30 minutes here before we leave to go to the next thing."
  Alex sits off to the side with her head in her hands as Stiles excitedly drags Gabe around. Theo stays as far away from Alex as he can.
  Ned drags Peter to a Spider-Man section. "Peter look. Your old suit."
  Peter smiles. "Awesome."
  Flash approaches them. "What's the coolest thing you've seen?"
  Peter shrugs. "I'm not exactly sure. If your here as much as I am, you see so many crazy things that you literally become numb."
  Flash furrows his brows. "Explain."
  Peter thinks for a moment. "There's a lot of screaming that happens. A lot of explosions. It's just, a mess."
  Flash chuckles. "How'd you get the internship though? That doesn't make sense to me."
  MJ walk up. "Maybe because Peter is really smart."
  "I'm not trying to be an asshole here, but I'm trying to connect the dots. It's the same if I got an internship. It'd make no sense." He walks away.
  MJ turns to them. "I think Flash is smarter than we think."
  Peter nods. "That just means I have to be careful. Can't have anyone else finding out about my alter-ego."
"Agreed," Ned says.
After thirty minutes, Emily calls the group. "Alright everyone. Next, because we are in the Avengers Compound, we get to meet some Avengers for a Q&A." Everyone chats excitedly while following Emily to a large room. "Everyone take a seat as we wait for the special guests."
Only a few minutes pass before Bucky, Loki, and Sam walk in. Almost everyone gasps when they see Loki. The three sit.
"This is Sargent Barnes, Loki, and the Falcon," Emily introduces. "Now for the questions."
Hands immediately shoot up. They call on Stiles, who is excitedly waving his hand. "What's it like being an Avenger?"
"It has its perks. We get to save the world," Sam answers.
"Do you know the intern Peter Parker?" Flash asks.
Bucky instantly smiles and nods. "Peter? We all know Peter and we all love him. Peters here right now?"
Flash nods and points to the back of the group, where Peter is hiding behind Ned.
Loki smirks. "Peter? Are you hiding from us?"
Sam gasps. "One may think you're embarrassed by us."
Peter scoffs, his cheeks red. "I'm not embarrassed."
Loki teleports behind him an grabs him. Peter yelps as they teleport back to the front. His cheeks blaze red.
"Your face is telling a different story," Sam teases.
Alex laughs. "This is amazing."
Loki raises an eyebrow. "Why is that?"
She smirks. "Because you're embarrassing him. I love embarrassing my friends. For example, one time Stiles-"
Stiles laughs nervously and clamps his hand over Alex's mouth. "Stiles did nothing."
Gabe smirks. "We're embarrassing Stiles now, are we? Well Derek told me that you were in a shoot out and your toe got shot and you, being the drama queen you are, couldn't walk and Derek carried you out." Stiles cheeks were red as he takes his hand off Alex's mouth. "And you told everyone that you saved Derek." Theo chuckles at that.
Alex gasps and points to Theo. "He's laughing, look!"
Stiles gasps dramatically. "What a phenomenon!"
Theo rolls his eyes at them and points to Alex. "I'm still mad at you."
Alex squints. "Do you hate me though?"
He shakes his head. "No, I don't hate you. I am very mad at you and I'll get my revenge."
Stiles laughs. "Better watch your back Frosty."
  Loki furrows his brows. "Why do you call her Frosty?"
  "Because my last name is Frost," Alex explains.
  "And her hands are really cold," Theo adds.
  "Also," Sam starts, "Why does this kid," he points to Theo, "getting revenge on Frosty over here?"
  Theo narrows his eyes at her. "Because she lied to me."
  She slams the table slightly. "Bullshit! I stayed out of it."
  Theo sits up. "I'm your best friend!"
  "He's my brother."
  While they argue, the other Avengers walk in.
  Tony speaks. "The Midtown High Decathlon team. Welcome to the Avengers-"
  He's cut off by an alarm and FRIDAYS voice. "Sir, there is an intruder in the building."
  "Avengers Assemb-" Cap is cut off by vines grabbing everyone and pulling them to the ground.
  Men with guns walk in. One is holding the spear.
  The one holding the spear speaks. "Does anyone here know Scott McCall?"
  Stiles fights the restraints. "What do you want with Scott?"
  The man smiles. "So you know him? I'm guessing you're one of his betas. I'm here to avenge Monroe."
  Alex rolls her eyes. "Scott didn't kill Monroe. She absorbed too much energy and disintegrated."
  The man raises him eyebrows. "And who might you be?"
  She smirks. "Alex Frost. I would say it's nice to meet you, but I'm currently tied up at the moment."
  He points to spear to her neck, pricking her skins. "You should be dead. Monroe and Apollo were supposed to kill you!"
  Her smirk becomes a psychotic grin. "A lot of people want to kill me. I take great pride in that."
  He pushes the spear.
  "Hey!" Steve calls. The man pulls the spear away. "She's just a kid."
  The man laughs. "You know nothing." He points the spear to her again. "She's a monster."
  She rolls her eyes. "Oh course. It's not like anyone lets me forget it. Can we hurry this up though? I'm hungover, and I don't have the energy to deal with this."
  He smirks. "Fine." He swings the spear down at her, only for her to catch it as she breaks out of the vines, which are now frozen on the floor. "How-"
  "I'm stronger than I look," she answers.
  His eyes flash gold and she quickly pulls away her hand in pain. "It's now coated in wolfs bane. You can't touch it."
  All the men attack her and she's barely holding them off. "Stiles-" she dodges a bullet "- I could use some help!"
  He struggles. "How?"
  "Use your powers dumbass!"
  He smiles. "Oh right." His hands light on fire as he burns the vines and begins to help Alex.
  Alex comes up to Gabe and Theo. "We could use your help too." She freezes the vines holding them. They break free and jump into the fight. "No feeding on them Gabe."
  Gabe stops, his fangs inches away from a mans neck. "Why not?"
  Theo knocks out one hunter. "Because their blood is laced with vervain. And vervain hurts vampires, just as much as wolfsbane hurts werewolves."
  "Vampires!" Flash shrieks.
  The four cover their ears at the loud noise.
  Alex turns to them and, fang and all, roars at them. She stands up straight and smiles. "Yes." She punches a hunter.
  Theo flips a hunter over. "And these asshats are hunters."
  Alex kicks a hunters legs, making him fall. "The one with the spear is a witch."
  The man with the spear slashes her cheek with it. "I prefer the term warlock."
  Alex scoffs. "No one gives a shit what you prefer." With her claws, she slashes his leg and arm. The other three finish off the hunters.
  The warlock teleports to Peter, putting the spear against his neck. "Turn your selves in or I kill your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man."
  Peter gasps. "How'd you-"
  Alex cuts him off. "We all knew. We're from a different universe where all of you are just comic books. We are from the world of the supernatural. Where werewolves, vampires, witches, mermaids, gods, etc. exist."
  "I want you dead!" The man cries.
  "Because you killed my son!"
  "The warlock." He nods. Alex's laughs is the only sound that fills the room. "Your son was an idiot."
  He backs away from Peter. "You're a monster."
  She rolls her eyes. "What did you expect from an 8,000 year old cursed with immortality?"
  His eyes widen. "8,000?"
  She shrugs. "Around that. I'm not that great at math." She smirks. "You're the reason your son died. You didn't teach him well enough." He lunges at her with the spear. She grabs it, ignoring the pain, as an icicle forms in her hand. "Your son was an idiot." She stabs him. "Just like you." His dead body falls onto the floor. Everyone stares at her in fear, except the pack.
  Stiles grimaced at the dead body. "Scott says no killing."
  She rolls her eyes. "I'm still drunk so, I'm gonna ignore you."
  "Alex," Theo starts.
  She turns to him. "What?" She follows his gaze. There is a black goo working up everyone's body. Her eyes widen.
  Gabe looks at her. "What is that?"
  She exhales. "A very old spell. It eats your soul and you become a mindless beast."
  Flash gasps. "How do you know?"
  "Because it's happened to me before," she answers.
  Theo raises an eyebrow. "I thought you didn't have a soul."
  She nods. "I didn't. That's why it didn't work." She holds her arms out. "Time to break it." She exhales slowly.
  Cap turns to her. "You just killed someone and now you want to help us?"
  Alex sighs. "I got caught in the moment. I'm still getting used to have a soul. I've only had one for about a week. Emotions are weird. Guilt is weird. Have all these new powers are weird. If I completely lose control, I could literally explode, so," she drifts off. She shakes her head and gets ready to break the spell. "Retne a ecnart ot eraprep rof eht lautir." She floats crossing her legs, with her hands on her knees. Her eyes glow white. "Ho sdog, evig em htgnerts. Hsinab eht sretsnom gnimusnoc eseht elpoep." Slowly the vines shrivel up and die, releasing everyone. The goo slowly dissipates. Alex's eyes stop glowing and she falls.
  Gabe catches her. He sets her down. "Are you okay?"
  She nods slowly, steadying herself. "Yeah, that just took a lot of my energy."
  Theo looks at the unconscious hunters. "We should probably take them back to where they came from.
  Alex nods and hold out her hand again. "Nepo a latrop emoh." A white portal opens.
  Tony gasps. "You killed Thanos."
  "Yep." She walks towards the portal. "Something is wrong with it."
  Theo turns to her. "What?"
  She touches it and gets shocked. She screams in pain and falls to the floor, Gabe helping her not fall completely. She breaths heavily. "That." She turns to them. "We're locked out."

A/N- Oh my god. 2300 words. I can't.
Also I've made Alex's spells backwards, like Zatanna's.
I also took the field trip idea from this.

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