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-Two years ago-

A sixteen year old Peter Parker Romanoff was on a solo mission for the Avengers as the boy had gotten Intel about King Pin's men planning on moving a new form of steroid through the city. The boy had found the men moving the cargo and had engaged them in a fight. Peter had at least taken out 10 of the men as he was fighting the last thug dodging each of the attacks. Peter was about to throw a final punch before the man suddenly screamed in pain as the webslinger saw electricity cover the men's body before he fell over unconscious. Peter looked at the man and than looked up as he saw a person wearing a similar suit to his as the colors were black and red.

 Peter looked at the man and than looked up as he saw a person wearing a similar suit to his as the colors were black and red

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Peter looked at him confused as the Spiderman held out a hand towards Peter.

Spider-Man:Nice to meet you bro,I'm the new Spider-Man

"What!?" Peter shouted in disbelief as he looked at younger boy "you're shitting me!". The younger boy shook his head.

Spiderman:No...well I'm kinda an like you,but my codename is actually Kid Arachnid,but Spider-Man sounds cooler...oh name is actually Miles...

"Whatever..." Peter said as he left the building as Miles followed him.

Miles:This is the greatest gig. Kicking asses,being famous,flying the Avengers jet

"He let you fly the jet?". The younger boy nodded as Peter had an annoy look on his face as his lenses showed it."Stark is getting on my nerves" He said to himself before he we webswung away as Miles followed him.


Peter sat on a rooftop looking out into the city before he grabbed his two escrima sticks and formed his staff as he whirled around and hit something that couldn't be seen. The young adult looked at the ground as Miles appeared in front of him as he noticed the boy's hand seemed to be charged."Next time don't try that shit with me!" Peter snarled at the younger arachnid powered teen as he stood back up.

Miles:Well...I had to since you won't talk to Mr.Stark....

"Kid,I'm going to say this for the last time! Stay out of my business with Stark" Peter said in a toxic tone as Miles looked at him uneasy "or else. You got that!". Miles nodded as Peter shot a webline and swung away.

-Parker Romanoff Signing Off

//I got this idea after watching the promo for Titans that showed off the second Robin,Jason Todd

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