Yelena Belovia

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You heard rumors and whisper about him, but you found out the truth when one of your own team members were attacked by one of the deadliest mercenaries in the world. Yelena Belova. You saw how deadly he really was when Peter barely managed to escape with his life and arrived in critical condition at the Juveniles base with his gear and suit all destroyed. The wall crawler was placed in the medical bay to be treated while you did your own research on the mercenary.

Weeks have passed by and you have found the location of one of Yelena's last known locations and went there to find a way to beat her. You arrived at the location at the cover of nightfall before you heard the sound of footsteps and saw the blonde assassin walk towards you as the two of you got into a fight. She managed to get the upper hand on you and push you towards the street and throw you into the side of the car.You than heard a thud on top of the car before a black and red clad figure jumped down in front of you with what appeared to be a new spider suit.

You than heard a thud on top of the car before a black and red clad figure jumped down in front of you with what appeared to be a new spider suit

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"This is between you and me" the figure said in the familiar voice of Peter Romanoff."Well well you're back for round two" The mercenary said as she pulled out her blade and pistol while the wall crawler pulled out his escrima sticks that seemed to be fixed and upgraded as electricity sparked on the ends of them."Time to settle this, Y/N get out of here while I bet this guy".

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