Kids (Adult Peter)

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"So tell did you're test go,Jared" a forty year old Peter Romanoff asked a eighteen year old boy with brown hair and hazel eyes. Jared Alexander Romanoff, the first adopted son of Peter looked at his father.

Jared:It went well...though I wish it could of been easier

(Jared's Fc is Andrew Garfield)

(Jared's Fc is Andrew Garfield)

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"Jared...things are never easy" Peter said before saw his adopted daughter Kira Avalon Romanoff heading towards the front door."Kira,where are you going?" He asked in his strict fatherly tone as the raven haired teen looked at him.

Kira:Um...I'm going out cause I have a date

(Kira's fc is Camila Mendes)


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Kira:Dad,I'm seventeen


A raven haired boy around sixteen looked at Peter as he had a book in his hands. The boy was Peter's third adopted child Leon Sean Romanoff.

Leon:Dad..I think you have issues letting us grow up

(Luis' fc is Ryan Potter)

(Luis' fc is Ryan Potter)

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"Do not!"

Kira:You do,dad

"Well you're grounded!". Timothy 'Tim' Carter Romanoff the third adopted son of Peter let out a snicker. The fifteen year old boy with messy brown hair sitting next to Leon looked at his older adopted sister and did a little dance as Kira looked at him angrily as he started to sing

Tim:Ooh she's in trouble! Come on Leon! Do the sis in trouble dance with me!

(Tim's fc is Noah Centineo)

Leon:Pass,I rather watch you run away from Kira

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Leon:Pass,I rather watch you run away from Kira

Kira growled at Tim as the boy yelped and held up a nine year old boy as a shield.

Tim:I'm holding Ben! You know the rules! You can't attack me if I have B-

Kira than snatched Ben from Tim as the brunette yelped and hid behind his adopted father."Alright Timothy stop bothering your sister! Kira you're grounded for not telling me about you going out!".

Kira:But Daddyyyy

"No buts young lady! You know about my rules about you keeping your dates a secret. Besides you should of told me earlier" Peter said strictly as Ben,his biological and youngest son looked at him.

Ben:I Knew

The four romanoff boys looked at the youngest male as they blinked surprised."You did!?" Peter yelled in disbelief

Ben:Yes,Kira said not to say anything to you and guys and now we're best friends

(Ben's fc is Jacob Tremblay)

Kira held her little brother and looked at him with a bit of an annoyed look

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Kira held her little brother and looked at him with a bit of an annoyed look.


Ben:But we are best friends,right?

Kira sighed and hugged he youngest brother.

Kira:Yes...yes we are

"You're also ground. Now go change into your suit and grab your batons. You're training for a whole week and you're not allowed to go out without my permission" Peter said as Kira sighed and put Ben down before she went to her room. Ben looked at his dad as Peter looked at him."Ben"


"Please don't grow up to fast"

Ben: No promises

-Dealing with Kids

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