I Come Alive

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In a darkly lit warehouse on the docks a group of men were walking around holding weapons before they heard a thwip noise.

Breathing in now
I try counting my blessings
Picturing the last time I said
Beg forgiveness
With some words that mean nothing
Illusions like smoke in my breath

The men held there weapons close before they heard one of there own screaming before they saw him tied up in web to the floor as Peter was over him in full uniform. A man charged at Peter before the wallcralwer counterattacked.

I come alive
When I’m falling down
I let myself go
'Til I hit the ground
When I’m there, at the edge
In this moment I feel it I know
Come alive when I’m falling down

The wallcrawler kicked the man hard down to the ground and than stabbed the man in the eye with his talons as blood flew onto Peter.

The wallcrawler kicked the man hard down to the ground and than stabbed the man in the eye with his talons as blood flew onto Peter

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Air is thin now
While my lungs are collapsing
Vertigo blankets my head
Far from reckless
When I’m comfortable, thought
That I know I could never forget
(That I know I could never forget)

The men charged at the wallcralwer as the teen jumped over them and took out his escrima sticks and started to hit the men.

I come alive
When I’m falling down
I let myself go
'Til I hit the ground
When I’m there, at the edge
In this moment I feel it I know
Come alive when I’m falling down

Peter used his escrima sticks to hit three of the men hard in the backs as a snapping sound was heard before he kneed another thug and formed his staff with his sticks

Keep your distance
Far away from me
Watch this eat me alive
Keep your distance
Far away from me
Watch this eat me alive

The webslinger used his staff to hit the two men hard in the gut before he noticed the final man run towards him. Peter quickly uppercut the man hard across the jaw breaking it

I come alive
When I’m falling down
I let myself go
'Til I hit the ground
When I’m there, at the edge
In this moment I feel it I know
Come alive when I’m falling down

He than grabbed the man by the throat and slammed his face through the window of the warehouse as the man hollowed in pain. Peter than slid the man's face across the broken glass as he yelled in pain.

I come alive!
I come alive!
I come alive!
I come alive!
(Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!)
(I come alive, I come alive)

Peter slammed the man's face to the ground as blood covered the man's face before the brutal spider let him go and stood up and kicked open a locked door as gasps and screams were heard. The young adult looked in and saw a group of women around the ages of 16 to 25 with bruises."Go!" He said as he pointed to the door as the women nodded and ran out. A few hours later,Peter was in the lab of the Juveniles base as he was watching a news report about his earlier fight as he was cleaning his equipment."I really go wild when I fight" he said to himself as he kept cleaning his gear

-Parker Romanoff Signing Off

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