too far - ashton

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"I was thinking the boys could start writing in England and then go to LA?" 5SOS's manager thought out loud.

Calum and Luke nodded while Michael focused on piling his food into his mouth. Ashton, on the other hand was staring at me from across the table. My bare foot was rubbing up and down his leg. He tried not to show on his face how frustrated he was. Another idea popped into my head as I reached for a breadstick from the basket. I slid it between my pink lips and made sure to maintain eye contact with Ashton. He fidgeted in his seat as I bit down softly on it. I placed the uneaten part on the plate and licked the butter from my lips.

"I'm going to the bathroom," Ashton stood abruptly before swiftly walking off. I held back a giggle while the other's stared, wondering why he had left so suddenly.

Dinner went by quite uneventful after that, and after a polite argument about who should pay the bill, we all grouped outside and waited for the cars to come take us back to the hotel.

"Ashton seems a little flustered," Calum nudged Michael, both of them letting out a laugh. Ashton glared at them angrily and muttered a 'shut up' at them.

The cars came and everyone piled into the first one until there was no room for anymore people to cram in.

"Sorry Luke," Calum giggled and shut the door, leaving Luke, Ashton, and I to ride in the other car.

Ashton quickly clambered into the front seat, leaving Luke and I to sit awkwardly in the back. The ride was silent and awkward. The only sound was the cough here and there and the purr of the engine.

"We're here, guys," the driver told us as we pulled up to the hotel.

"Thanks," Ashton grumbled climbing out quickly and stomping into the hotel.

"Thank you and I'm sorry for him," I apologized quickly before running after Ashton.

"Ashton," I called as he stepped into the elevator. I put my arm on the door so it wouldn't close and stepped in next to him. We stared at each other while the doors close and then I was pinned against the wall, hands above my head.

"I cannot believe you teased me like that," Ashton growled, his hot breath hitting my face.

An apology stumbled from my lips. "I'm sorry, Ashton."

The doors opened and Ashton fled the elevator. I speed walked behind him to keep up with his long legs. He stumbled angrily with the key to the door before pushing it open. I followed him into the hotel room, closing the door behind me.

"Ashton, listen," I grabbed his arm, and he spun around.

"What did you just call me?" He snapped. I gulped as he backed me against the door, towering above my small frame.

"Daddy, I'm sorry. It won't happen again," I managed to stutter out.

Ashton shook his head.

"You've been very naughty today, babydoll. I think you need to be punished," Ashton purred before turning around and taking a seat on the bed. He patted his leg and I hurried over to lay across it.

"Very, very naughty," Ashton tisked as he pulled up my skirt, exposing my ass to him. He grabbed it roughly, causing me to gasp. "A very naughty girl with a very nice ass."

He held my ass, stroking his thumb lightly on it. "Count for me, babygirl."

I nodded, understanding what was to happen.
He reached his hand up, bringing it down harshly on my skin.

"One," I breathed out. I counted off the slaps, jerking forward each time, until 10 were completed and my skin was sore.

"What do you say?" Ashton questioned.

"Thank you, daddy."

"Come here," Ashton demanded. I got up off his leg and stood in front of him. He reached forward, his long fingers working on un buttoning my top. I stood still and let him undress me. First my top and bra and then my underwear, leaving me only in my short skirt.

"Such a beautiful body all for me," Ashton murmured, massaging my boobs in his large hands. His hands explored down my body before grabbing my ass tightly and pulling me forward.

"On your knees," Ashton demanded. I quickly obeyed, anxious to please him. "Undress me."
I quickly stripped Ashton of his pants and boxers, freeing his hard on.

He grasped the back of my head, guiding me to his tip. I opened wide, gladly accepting. He fucked my mouth, leaving me to do almost no work. I gagged multiple times, spit dripping down my chin. When Ashton was satisfied, he pulled out laid back on the bed.

"Ride me," he commanded, his hands behind his head in a relaxed position.

I quickly scrambled to my feet and straddled him. I placed his dick at my entrance and slid out. I bounced on him as he watched from below.

"Daddy, you feel so good inside me," I moaned out, throwing my head back. Ashton reached up and grabbed my hips so that he pound into me from below.

"Such a good little slut," Ashton groaned.

"Only for you, Daddy."

Ashton slowed his thrusts as I continued to bounce.

"Baby, I have an idea," Ashton slipped out from underneath me and grabbed my hand to drag me to the bathroom.

"Leg up," he demanded and I obeyed immediately. I placed my leg on the counter and leaned forward. "Watch me fuck you in the mirror."

I looked into the mirror in front of us. I was splayed open for Ashton to see. I watched as he grabbed my hips and entered me.

A moan escaped my throat as he began thrusting into me. I closed my eyes, overwhelmed with pleasure. A hard slap on my ass made me open them again.

"I said watch," Ashton growled.

I did as he said and struggled to open my eyes and watch him pound into me. My moans were loud and pornographic as Ashton had his way.

"I'm so close," I groaned, leaning my weight on the counter and closing my eyes. A stinging slap to my butt reminded me to keep them open.

"Daddy, I'm coming, Daddy," I moaned as I felt my orgasm roll through my body. My legs shook with please.

"Fuck," I felt Ashton pull out. I watched him shoot his hot cum all over my back.

I lay almost all my weight on the counter as I panted, out of breath from my orgasm.

"Such a good girl," Ashton caressed my ass soothingly now. "Lets get you cleaned up."

I let Ashton wash his cum off my back with a towel soaked him warm water.

"I'll be right back," he kissed my temple before disappearing into the room. My body was sore from Ashton's dominant nature, but I knew he would always take care of me after.

I glanced in the mirror at my tangled hair and my knees shaking, weak from the rough nature of the sex. I turned my body to examine my butt. I poked Ashton's red handprint and gasped a little when it stung. Unknowingly, a tear slipped from my eye.

"Babydoll," Ashton rushed from the doorway where he must have been standing and watching. He kneeled next to me, fluttering light kisses on the red skin on my butt. "Did I hurt you too bad?"

"A little," I smiled down at him. "But, its okay."
Ashton stood and grasped my face in his hands. "Never say that. I never want to hurt you. Everything is supposed to be pleasurable, baby. Tell me if I go too far."

I struggled to nod with my face grasped in his large hands.

"Ok," I whispered.

He planted a kiss on my forehead before turning to grab the duvet he snatched from the bed during his disappearance. He wrapped it around my body like a cocoon before picking me up and carrying me off to the bed.

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