Duke Lukela (Catch up)

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How you meet...

Your fiance was a mean person and you where trying to leave him but that only made him angrier. He was nice until you said yes when he proposed.

Tonight was one of those nights where things got really worse. The neighbour's ended up calling the cops because of the noise. When Duke got to the door and heard a women scream I'm pain. He busted through the door and identified himself. He arrested the guy and handed him over to his partner and called an ambulance for you.

"I'm fine but I want my brother" you say in tears.

"OK but you need to see a doctor. Now what's your brothers name" he says sitting next to you patting you on the back.

"Max, Max Bergman" you say.

"I know him I'll call him from the hospital" he says, he gets in the back with you.

Two days later...

You show up at HPD with biscuits for Duke and his partner.

"Hey I want to thank you for the other day, so these are for you and your partner" you hand them over to him.

"Thanks but I was just doing my job" he says taking them and smelling them. "They smell really good"

"Thanks I have to go but hopefully see you around" you say.

"See you. Hopefully on better terms" he says to you.

You had slipped your number into his one. You and written his name on his one and his partners name on the other one.

Who you related to...

Max - older adopted brother

Song that describes you...

Charlie puth - The Way I Am

How he asks you out...

His partner kept telling him to phone you but he didn't think it was a good idea, he finally caved and phoned you.

"Hi I don't know if I should be doing this because you just broke up but I was wondering if you would like to go out" he says in one breathe.

"Yes and don't worry I was trying to break up with him for a while" you say to him.

"Well I'll pick you up at 6 tomorrow from Max's house" he asks.

"Yes" you say and you can hear the smile in your voice.

First I love you...

It was after the court case for your ex. It turned out he had murdered the girl he dated before you and mist likely would have done the same to you once you where married for the money. He was going away but you where still upset knowing that he could of killed you at any second.

Duke could tell you where upset even if you weren't showing it or the fact that you only been dating for 3 weeks he knew you so well.

"Hey its going to be OK" Duke says.

"I know and thanks again" you say. He gives you a hug and you lean into it.

"I know its to early but I love you" he says.

"I love you to" you say leaning up and kissing him on the mouth.

The other members find out your dating...

Max knew already that you two where dating because he fetched you from the house. He was a little upset since you not only got out of a bad relationship but you where way younger than Duke was but after seeing Duke with you he was fine with it. The others found out after the court date. They showed up late to support you because they where working on a case. It just so happened that you where kind of kissing when they showed up.

You both pulled away, you with a full on blush at being caught. They where all good sports and hugged you both, congratulating you and wishing you happiness.

First date...

It was romantic. Duke had heard from Max that you had never been on a proper date so he decided to do just that. He took you to the movies and watched and older movie. You had popcorn and coke, sweets. You went for a light dinner afterwards.

At the end you went for a walk on the pier holding hands. It was very romantic and was the best date you ever had.

First kiss...

At the court house after you both said I love you. You grabbed him and gave him spontaneous kiss that he automatically returned pulling you into a tight hug around your waist while you wrapped your arms around his neck. You pulled away not only because you both needed to breathe but because you heard whistling.

Who you jealous of...

Basically every girl that gets close to him. Not only are you younger then him but because of what your ex used to do to you.

*Catherine Rollins

Only have to do one more than I can get back to all the others.

🙌 Yay 🙌

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