Hates a strong word (Kono Kalakaua x Raven)

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For Shadow-Nightmares

I don't know why, all I really know is that ever since I started working for 5-0 Kono Kalakaua has hated me. The thing is that I really love her but have to pretend to hate her to. The rest of the team suspected it I guess because they always say something about it.

"Can you do anything right Raven" she yells at me.

This was a regular accurance. Something goes wrong on a case and she automatically blames me. I've gotten used to it. I don't like but shes never going to stop.

"How's this my fault, we were both there" I say angrily.

She growls out glaring at you. You suddenly snapped and stormed to your office. You started to grab stuff off your table and throwing it into your bag. She must of noticed because she stormed into.

"Raven what are you doing" she asked now stunned.

"You've gotten what you wanted, im leaving" you snap at her.

She suddenly grabs your hand to stop you. You give her a look of shock and then yank your hand away from her.

"I don't even know what I did to make you hate me" I say.

"I don't hate you, besides you hate me" she says crossing her arm.

"I don't, I'm not letting you walk all over me so yeah of course I'm going to be deffensive" I say. "Why do you hav...".

She suddenly grabs me and slams her lips to mine giving me a rough kiss. She pulls back and we both just stare at each other.

"What was that" I whisper.

"I love you. Always have but I didn't think you would feel the same so I pretended to hate you" she says to me.

"I love you to. The only reason I act like that was because you acted that way" I say with my hands around her.

She puts her hands around me and pulls me closer. We smile at each other and were about to kiss when we hear clapping. We turn to see the team standing there. Kono moves and closes the blinds. We both heard laughing but we heard them leaving while we went back to making out.


Here it is Kono and Raven.

Love from

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