Gabriel Waincroft (Catch Up)

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How you meet...

You where sitting in a cafe in New York by yourself. When a man walked up to you.

"Hi I'm Gabriel Waincroft" he said sitting down across from you and putting his hand out for you to shake.

"Hi (y/n) (l/n)" you sniffing a bit.

"Are you OK" he says sounding worried.

"My jerk of a boyfriend or Ex boyfriend cheated on me" you say.

"I'm sorry he obviously didn't deserve you than" he replies.

Just than the waitress brings your take out over.

"Look I'm sorry but I have to go" you say grabbing the box and your bag.

"Wait can I have your number so I can check in on you" he says after gently grabbing your wrist.

"Yes and bye" you say handing over your number with a soft smile on you face knowing the real reason behind him wanting your number.

"Bye" he says standing up and placing a gentle kiss on your cheek.

Who you related to...

Catherine Rollins - younger black sheep sister

Song that describes you...

Marshmello - Happier Ft. Bastille

How he asks you out...

You where sitting and watching T.V when there was a knock on the door of your hotel room. You got up and looked through the peep hole and saw Gabriel. You remember a friend that worked for the police telling you all about him, you just didn't put two and two together before now. You knew you shouldn't but you had felt a connection to him, so you opened the door.

"I know what you do for a living" you say straight to him. He looks taken back but sad at the same time.

"You want me to leave" he said turning around to leave.

You grabbed him and kissed him hard on the mouth. When you realized what you where doing and pulled away blushing.

"Sorry" you say.

"Its fine" he said flirting and smirking at you, pulling you back for another kiss. "I was going to ask you on a date but this is good to"

"Yeah, we can go on a date" you say only for him to push the door closed and pushing you on the couch, carrying on the make out session.

First I love you...

He was trying to reform his life and legitimize all his business like Adam did but he still had a lot of enemies. You where kidnapped and had to have Chin look for you. Once they found you they took you to the hospital. The had stayed with you because they couldn't believe it.

"Babe are you OK" Gabriel suddenly bursted through the door running up to you.

"Yeah I'm fine" you say trying to calm him.

"I love you so much" he says kissing you on the cheek.

"I love you to" you say to him.

"I'm witnessing what happens but I don't believed it" Kono said.

You looked at you them but they where all smiling.

"Let's give them some privacy" Steve said.

"We're glad you found her" Danny said.

"Glad you turning your life around" Chin says giving him a hug and patting you on the arm.

The other members found out your dating...

They found out when a frantic Gabriel ran into the office.

"Gabriel gotten into trouble with the law again" Steve said.

"I knew it was to good to be true" Danny said.

"They have her" he said frantically.

"Who has who" Kono asked.

"(Y/n) my girlfriend they kidnapped her" Gabriel said.

"We will help" Chin said confused.

First date...

He felt bad about your first date being ruined so he called a do over. He decided to do it in his loft. Just you two, a cute set up and his horrible cooking.

"What's that smell" you ask.

"Oh crap" he said running into the kitchen. "How do you feel about Chinese" he says looking ashamed.

"Love it" you say chuckling.

First kiss...

When he came to ask you out on a date. You let him know you knew he is and he tried to leave. So you did the only thing you could think of to stop him and grabbed him kissing him.

Who your jealous of...

Kono - you felt insecure for a while because of the cuts and bruises

He finds out you self harm...

You where upset and insecure, it didn't help that you kept having flashback to that day. You started to cut. He had just left and you went into the bathroom to cut. You don't hear him reenter for his car keys. He didn't see where you where so he went looking for you. He found you in the bathroom.

"No" he said grabbing the razor.

You told him everything and he comforted you, making you promise to never do it again.

What is your job...

Yoga instructor

When your jealous...

You turn kind of hookerish. You go into full on stripper mode. It makes the other girls uncomfortable when you overly friendly with him or in a club and your grinding on him.

When he's jealous...

He will glare at the guy that is flirting with you until he decides to walk. Gabriel will then grab you and drag you all the way home, you end up having a little to much fun.

What you steal of his (Clothing)

His leather jackets. You don't know why there's just something about his leather jackets.

You turn them on...

When you jealous it turn him on because you turn into a stripper and he knows that he can then have his way with you. He funds it really hot to have you grinding on him just because he spoke to a girl.

He turns you on...

When he's overprotective. He would pull you closer to him and hold you tight right up against him, so you can feel the whole of him. He would kiss your neck to try calm himself down but only turns you on.


Here is Gabriel.

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