When he/she is jealous

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Chin Ho Kelly

He hugs you from behind and puts his head I'm your neck pulling you tighter back against him, he will start kissing you neck softly so that you give him attention instead of the guy you where talking to. The guy normally just walked off.

Steve McGarrett

Steve would come up to you and make an excuse up about how you both had to leave right that second. He will then drag you away from anyone and push you up against his car giving you literally a breathe taking kiss. You know he's jealous when he starts to get a bit rough.

Danny Williams

When he's jealous he will stand next to you holding your hand and making a sarcastic comment to everything the guy says to you. It ends up with you apologizing and dragging him away before he can say anything else embarrassing and rude.

Kono Kalakaua

She will make it known that you are hers. She will peck you on the cheek and if that doesn't get your attention she will go for your weakness. She will start by kissing your neck right there in front of the person until they leave. She then goes back to doing what ever she was doing before leaving you standing there flustered.

Wo Fat

You know he's jealous because at first he will glare at the two of you's from across the room. He comes to stand by you after a while looking like he's enjoying the conversation but then all of a sudden stops the conversation to threaten to kill the guy before walking off. Leaving you stunned and the guy terrified.

Adam Noshimuri

He will stand there like nothing is bothering him, when the guy leaves he will excuse himself. You don't know what happens. What does happen though is Adam pays them to go away and leave you alone, if that doesn't work he threatens them to stay away from you.

Jerry Ortega

He would get all shy but still want to be close by you. He will linger behind you for a while staying out of the way. After a while he will start moving closer and soon take your hand in his, he would then butt into the conversation and start saying things about his conspiracy theories confusing the other guy till he goes away from you.

Lou Grover

He's a grown up. So he will put his arms around your shoulder smiling at the guy like there's no problem. Then through the entire conversation he would drop hints about how he was a cop and had a gun that he had used before completely terrifying the guy away from you.


He was always afraid you where going to leave him. You where sweet compared to him who had been in prison for a few years. Even with that he would still get jealous and some what cling to you when there was a guy he saw as a potential threat  around. You knew what he was doing but it was cute and funny so you let it slide.

Max Bergman

You knew when Max was jealous of a guy because he would suddenly become uncharacteristically quite compared to when he's giving you random but cute facts. You would always stop your conversation to make sure he was alright and to reassure him you where his and he was yours.

Duke Lukela

He was always scared you would leave him for a younger guy since you where so much younger than he was, so when ever you where around a young male he would stick close to you, to try and show you that he was still there and not going away until you told him to.

Catherine Rollins

She had no shame when it came to showing people you where hers. Whenever she saw someone flirting with you, man or women, she would walk up behind you and hug you from behind. She would then kiss you on the neck and introduce herself as not only your girlfriend but as part of the navy to. It normally scared them off.

Yay. Another chapter down.

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