Nahele Huikala (Catch up)

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How you meet...

You both knew each other for a long time. You had met on the streets and had decided to make sure to always protect each other. Which you both did on a daily bases but you never forget how you two met.

"Hey get away from her" you hear a voice from behind you.

You and the guy that was bullying you turned around to see a boy around your age.

"Get away pipsqueek" the bully said.

Next thing he was on the ground in pain and the boy had grabbed you running before the bully got back up.

"Hi I'm Nahele" he said after he deemed it safe for you's.

"(Y/n)" You say quietly.

"Don't worry I'll protect you from now on" he said hugging you.

From that day on you where never out of his site. You where always together protecting each other.

Who your related to...

Gabriel waincroft - little sister
Malia Waincroft - little sister
Chin Ho Kelly - sister in law

Chin recognized you and took the both of you's in. You ran away after Malias death and finding out Gabriel was dead. You where 11 at the time and its been 6 years.

Song that describes you...

The chainsmokers - Don't let me down

How he asks you out...

After moving in with Chin and both getting at Kamakona's shrimp truck. He had been wanting to ask you out for a while but he never had the money. He decided to ask you out with roses and chocolate, kind of to spoil you in a way. He showed up outside of your bedroom door and knocked.

"What all this about" you say after he hands all the stuff over to you.

"Well I wanted to ask you out for a while but never had the cash but now I do so will you go out with me" he says as fast as he can.

"Yes i would love to. Guess I finally can do this" you say.

You grabbed him and pulled him into a passionate kiss which he had returned almost immediately.

"Hey I don't need mini Waincrofts running around here" says a chuckling Chin walking by the both of you's.

First I love you...

You had both been kidnapped since Chin saw you as a younger sister and Steve saw Nahele as a younger brother. You where both tied back to back sitting on chairs.

"Hey calm down everyting will be fine" he says trying to calm you.

"If we don't make it out here alive. I just want you to know I love you" you say terrified out of your mind.

"We will and I love you to" he says linking your guys hands.

"Not dieing today" Steve says coming through the door with the rest of the team and saving you both.

The other members find out your dating...

They always thought you where dating from the first time they met you after they had caught you from stealing Steve's car. So they didn't have to find out that you where dating because you had left them to think that from day 1.

First date...

You both grew up onvthe streets. So he decided your date should be fancy something he never had and you had forgotten. So he was dressed in a nice suit while you where in a nice dress. He took you to a fancy Italian restaurant and you both had the time of your life talking and eating.

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