When you are jealous

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Chin Ho Kelly

When you get jealous Chin know because you will hold his hand and squeeze it. Kind of like you trying not to attack the person that has made feel jealous. He ends up throwing his arm over your shoulder to hold you close to him, also so you won't actually physically attack the person.

Steve McGarrett

Steve will only find out that you jealous once you guys get home. You won't talk to him or even look at him. All you do is change into pajamas and lay down. He will try to talk to you for a while. After a while he will lay down next to you and cuddle up to you whispering how much he loves you in your ear.

Danny Williams

You will wrap your hands around his waist and put your head on his chest. He knows straight away that you are getting jealous. He will try and get away from the conversation as fast as he can.

Kono Kalakaua

You will walk up to her and join your hands together. If you still see the person as a threat you will put one arm over her shoulder, a hand around her hand and start pecking her on her face and neck all over. She then knows your jealous and trying to make the other person go away.

Wo Fat

You will straight up to him and pull him into a possessive kiss. He can't resist to automatically kiss back. It becomes a hot and heavy make out session to the point that the person who made you jealous will walk away from you two. He than mocks you about it afterwards.

Adam Noshimuri

You will glare at them from across the room not saying or going anywhere near them. Its only when Adam looks your way and sees you glaring, and turning away when he sees you he knows. He will excuse himself and come up to you, giving you a tight hug and passionate kiss.

Jerry Ortega

You don't really get jealous but you will be more affectionate towards him in the rare occasions you are jealous.

Lou Grover

Your both adults so if you do get jealous you will wait until you both alone at home to say anything.


You get a little handsy with him. You will constantly be hugging, kissing or touching him in some way that makes the other person uncomfortable and end up clearing there throat then leaving.

Max Bergman

If you could you would sit there angry at him and the person but Steve won't allow it. He tells Max what's happening and Max comes straight to you to talk it out. You can't stay mad at him for long because he new to all this dating stuff.

Duke Lukela

Like Grover you won't make a scene and embarrass the both of you guys in public. You would rather just talk behind closed doors.

Catherine Rollins

Even though you felt like you didn't have to get jealous there where times that you did. You two where so in tune with each other that she knew straight away and automatically reassures you that its OK between you to.

I feel like I update this story more than my other one.

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