Tani Rey (Catch up)

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How you meet...

You two had met once before in the police academy, you where actually the one who told Steve about her. You went with Steve and Danny to recruit her for five-o.

"(Y/n) I haven't seen you since the academy" she said smiling at you. Standing up and hugging you.

"Hey, I know right I've just been really busy lately" you tell her hugging her back.

"This is Steve and my uncle Danny" you tell her.

"Nice to meet both of you" she says.

"Hey, we actually want you to join five-0" Steve says shaking her hand.

"You do know that I was kicked out of the academy" she tells them, looking at you.

"We know and we don't care. You where pretty good until you where kicked out" Danny says.

You give her the puppy dog eyes when the guys aren't watching pleading with her to join.

"Ok" she says.

Who you related to...

Eric Russo - older brother
Danny Williams - uncle

Song that describes you...

Demi Lovato - Confident

How she asks you out...

You guys had been working together for a couple of months and getting closer. One day she walked into you office and kind of lingered there. It was a few minutes before you decided to ask her what was wrong.

"Ok Tani what is the problem" you ask her, she was making you really worried.

"I was wondering what you where doing on Friday night" she asks you.

"Nothing, why do you ask" you say confused, shes never asked you to hang out after work before.

"Well I was wondering if you would go out with me. Like on a date" she says looking really nervous.

"Yes i would love to" you say not being able to stop the smile that appeared, she started grinning as well.

First I love you...

You both had had just got off of a hard case and you where both tired. She was busy finishing up some paperwork and you had decided to stay back waiting for her.

"I just don't understand how someone could say they love someone only to turn around and kill them" you say looking down at your hands.

"I love you and would never hurt you" she says.

You look at her shocked, while she looked back at you wide eyed like she never meant to say it out loud.

"I love you to" you say giving her a gentle smile receiving one in return.

The other members find out your dating...

You both knew they expected it from the first time they saw you together. Not to mention how annoyed you both got when Junior or another guy tried to flirt with either one of you. One day you both walked into the office deciding to tell everyone.

"Hey everyone we have an announcement" Tani says.

"We're dating" you say smiling widely.

"Called it Danny you owe me" Steve says smirking and holding his hand out for Danny to pay him.

"Congrades but seriously" Danny says looking disappointed but handing Steve the money.

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