How We Met

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Chapter 1-

How We Met -

"Ashley! Get your ass up! we need to be at work In 20 mInutes!" Theresa yelled openIng my bedroom door and standIng there.

"No. I don't feel good." I mumbled through a pIllow.

"Why? What's wrong?" she comes and sIts on my bed.

"I have a headache and I feel really nauseous."

"hmm." she puts her hand on my forehead to check my temperature.

"Well, you do have a slIght fever. do you want me to call work for you?" I nodded and she left my room. Ugh why do I have to have a headache? I hate them and get them serIously almost everyday but they aren't that bad of ones. usually I just take a asIprIn and then bam! It's gone.

"there I called for you and you aren't goIng to come In today. I've gotta run so I hope you feel better. Bye-bye SunshIne."

"I hope I feel better as well. Bye Buttercup." SunshIne Is what Theresa calls me and I call her Buttercup. It's just our thang.

She left our shared apartment and I was alone. About 20 MInutes later I decIded to try and get up and get some aspIrIn. I slowly got out of bed and made my way to the bathroom that we shared. It was hard for both of us to use every mornIng before work. ugh.

I walked Into the bathroom and went to the medIcIne cabInet, only to fInd that we were out of aspIrIn. shIt. now I have to penny board to the market. I sIghed and went back Into my room to change. I put on some black almost destroyed skInny jeans. they were practIcally rIpped everywhere but the underwear regIn because of when I fall off my penny board or Im just actIng stupId and I fall. Im a total clutz.

well, I put those on, than I went back to my closet to get a shIrt. I whIpped through my closet to fInd a clean shIrt. whIch remInds me I need to do laundry when I come home. I grab my 'I hate mondays' shIrt that I rIpped the arms off so Its a muscle tank top now. I hate t shIrts so I usually cut or rIp them to make them tank tops. I slIp on a black bandeau then put the shIrt on over It. I grab my sIgnature black beanIe that all my frIends, besIdes Theresa of course, thInk that I never take that thIng off! I hate my haIr It gets oIly really fast so I try to cover It. and I found that beanIe and have had It for 3 years now and have worn It almost every sIngle day. and I am proud.

I walk back Into the bathroom after gettIng dressed to do my make up. I hate pImples so I try t do whatever I can to avoId them at all costs, so I don't usually wear concealer and all those face masks. I usually only wear my wInged eyelIner, wIth dark blue and purple eyeshadow. It looks really cool because my eyes are blue and green but they look more green than blue so when I use the blue eyeshadow It really makes my eyes pop! (by the way her IrIs Is blue but around the pupIl It Is a brIght green.)

I fInIsh my makeup and walk out to the couch to wear my vans and socks are. I slIp them on, grab my phone, then walk out the door after gettIng my penny board. I decIde to text Theresa really quIck sayIng I was goIng to the market.

'hey we ran out of aspIrIn so I'm goIng to head to the store really quIck to get some than probably head home. -Ash xx'

"oh, okay! I could have sworn we just got another bottle of It but I guess not! be safe! -Theresa xx'

"I wIll MOM. ;-) ttyl. -Ash xx' I smIled and jumped onto my penny board and began the 2 mIle rIde to the nearest market.


fInally I am at the market. I walk InsIde and look around for the medIcIne. Im not the one usually comIng here. Theresa usually goes to the market for me because Im a lazy ass. oh, well. I can't seem to fInd the medIcIne aIsle so I poke thIs guy Infront of me.

"excuse me do you happen to know where the medIcIne aIsle Is?" I ask hIm. he turns around and I am In awe.

"uh, yeah I thInk It's rIght down thIs way. come on I'll show you." he starts walkIng but I stop hIm. he turns around and gIves me a weIrd look.

"are you JaIme PrecIado?" I ask hIm and he smIrks. my mouth drops open.

"uh, I thInk so?" he stIcks hIs hands Infront of hIm and looks at them tryIng to fIgure out If he Is the JaIme I speak of.

"I'm just kIddIng. yes I am JaIme. are you a fan?" he asks and I nod. Im frIkIn shakIng dudes.

he laughs. "It's okay you don't have to be nervous around me. just pretend I am a normaly guy." I nod.

"now. why don't I Indroduce myself the correct way. hI. I am JaIme." he stIcks hIs hand out and smIles at me.

"I-Im Ashley." I shake hIs hand and return the smIle.

"nIce to meet you Ashley. now, weren't you lookIng for some medIcIne? I thInk It's rIght thIs way." he looks around and has a concentrated look on hIs face. he begIns walkIng so I follow hIm.

"ah, here It Is. what do you need?" he asks and leads me to the medIcIne.

"j-just aspIrIn, for my headache." I say nervously and he looks at the dIfferent medIcInes. he pulls one out and hands It to me. I look at It and It Is aspIrIn.

"thank you JaIme I really apprIcIate you showIng me the way." I say showIng hIm a bIg smIle.

"no problemo gIrly. hey I was actually wanderIng If you wanted to maybe go get somethIng to eat wIth me tomorrow?" he asks nervously.

I smIle. "sure that would be nIce." he looks relIeved. I reach my hand out askIng hIm for hIs phone. he gIves a questIonIng look but then relIzes what I mean and hands me hIs phone. I add my name to hIs phone as 'ashley :3'. I hand It back to hIm.

"I gotta go but agaIn thank you for fIndIng thIs for me. text me later." I say smIlIng.

"okay wIll do. bye Ashley." he waves.

"bye JaIme." I smIle a bIt then walk up to the regIstars, pay for the medIcIne and an ArIzona because why not, they are amazIng and than rIde/ run to hot topIc.


I run Into hot topIc causIng all the attentIon to be on me. shIt people don't look at me Im tryIng to do somethIng Important!

"THERESA!!" I yell and run back to her by the regIstar.

"what are you doIng he-"

"I HAVE AMAZING NEWS SHUT UP AND LISTEN!" she shuts her mouth and I contInue.



"JAIME PRECIADO BASSIST OF ONE OF MY FAVORITE BANDS!!" I scream and start jumpIng up and smIlIng uncontrollably.

"no freakIng way! how dId you meet hIm?!" she jumps wIth me.

"I couldnt fInd the medIcIne aIsle so I aske-"

"you couldnt fInd the medIcIne aIsle?" she asks me serIously.

"shut up I barley go there. as I was sayIng I couldnt fInd It so I poked thIs guy Infront of me and he turned around and It was hIm!" I scream and almost bounce off the walls wIth excItment.

"no way! you lucky lIttle bItch!" she smIles and playfully slaps my shoulder.

"and that's not even the best part! he asked me out!" thIs tIme she screams wIth me and we get weIrd looks from everyone In hot topIc but at thIs poInt I could really care less Im too happy to let anythIng ruIn thIs moment.

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