Muirahara Woods [Pt.1]

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“Fred, Wasabi, Honey, he's headed your way to the alley.” I say to them through their communicators and sip a drink I got from Yaki Taco, while listening on the their conversation through my goggles.

“Foiled! And yes, if you're wondering he can breath fire.” Fred sounds like he stopped the criminal's path, then after that all I heard were the criminal's dramatic screams.

“It is just me or is this superhero stuff getting too easy.” Hiro asked the group.

“I know, I could do this with my eyes closed.” Fred exclaimed.

I raise a brow, “Fred don't-” I hear something loud slam. “Did he just do something with his eyes closed?” I take a bite of my taco.

“Yes. The idiot flipped back into a lamppost.” Gogo says. “Let's not get too cocky.”

“Though we are getting pretty good.” Honey sounds happy as usual.

“Yeah, we are! AND, (Y/n) is our tech whiz of the group, the one in the background helping us when we need help!” Fred said. “And to celebrate, I say we go see Captain Fancy: Dawn of Fanciness. Tomorrow, BOOM!”

Well I guess that fine, it is the weekend tomorrow so…..”Sure, sounds like fun.”

“I'm in!” Hiro says.

“Yes!” Honey exclaimed.

“Sounds good.” Wasabi agrees.

“I will deflate so no one throws popcorn at my head this time.” Baymax states.

I giggle, “Good for you, Baymax.”

“Can't. Plans.” With that Gogo turned off her communicator.

Hiro sounds confused, “Wait, what's with her?”

“Gogo, gone gone.” Wasabi says.

“Yeah, she goes off on her own sometimes.” Honey adds in.

“Really. Where does she go?” Hiro asked.

I yawn and groan. I did not agree to this tech whiz of their group, I only did it tonight since Fred wouldn't stop bugging me about it and it got annoying.

“No one knows, no one dares ask.” Fred said in spooky tone, then goes back to normal, “Actually, I asked once. Regretted it. IMMEDIATELY.”

“It's called privacy, Fred. Personal space. Ring a bell?” I said.

“I don't have a bell.” Fred says confused, then he goes back to the spooky voice. “No one knows. No one dares ask a second time.”

I facepalm and knowing Hiro, he would definitely want to find out. “I'm going to bed and Hiro, Fred? I suggest you leave Gogo alone and just let do her own thing.”

“Good-Night, (Y/n).”

“Sweet Dreams.”

“Fine, fine. Night.”

“Night, (Y/n).”

With that I go to bed and the next morning? Yep. Here I was with the front door open and guess who was standing there looking innocent?

Fred and Hiro.

“No.” I frown.

Hiro blinks in surprise, “You didn't even know what we were going to say.”

“Yes, I do. You're going to spy on Gogo.” I close the door and lock it. I can't believe they were going to drag me into their shenanigans. I crawl back into bed and ignore the knocks on the front door, which they stop. “Finally.”

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