The Impatient Patient [Pt.2]

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The bell to the Lucky Cat Cafe rings as I push them open and a giant yawn is let out. It seems like I'm the only one to come in, maybe I can have breakfast since I'm up early. One of my rare moments, though I can be pretty grumpy. Okay, I was exaggerating a bit since SFIT doesn't start that early like a regular school, but it's still in the morning. 

Hopefully, just hopefully, Hiro somehow got better overnight. Maybe it was allergies. 

"Good Morning, (Y/n)! You're early." Cass exclaims and laughs softly. "Hiro should be getting ready by now. Did you want anything to eat? Actually, you know what. I'm still going to make you something. Can you give this to Hiro?" She places a plate on the counter and….what is that on the plate. 

I think she must've seen the grimaced flinch I made at the sight of the food.

"Eeeh. My first time making that tofu quesadilla. I'll be sure to whip you up something better." Cass goes into the kitchen. "Oh and can you get an honest opinion from Hiro. I want to see if anyone will want it if I serve it." 

Going up the stairs was a little challenging with the tray that had a glass of water on it. Luckily, I made it up to Hiro's room. "Hey! Uh, your aunt made this Breakfast Tofu-dilla? Honestly, I wouldn't eat this, so it might make you si--ick." I stop at the head of the stairs and stare at Hiro. 

The young genius groans poorly and sniffs while laying there with one shoe on. His expression was droopy and sweat can easily be seen on his face. "Morning…(Y/n)." Hiro croaks out.

I frown deeply in concern. "Geez. You got worse overnight." Setting the tray aside, I walk over to his side and place the back of my hand to his forehead which was too warm. "I think Cass should take you to the clinic." 

Hiro glances up at me with exhaustion, "(Y/n)-"

"Nuh-uh. I'm telling Cass and you will be going in. I know Baymax can take care of you, but there also has to be a second opinion with a medical professional." Immediately, I skip down the stairs and head to the kitchen to wash my hands. A tickle in my nose made me sneeze once, but I blame morning allergies. "Aunt Cass?" 

"Yeah?" She comes up the stairs and places a breakfast plate at the table. 

"Will you take Hiro to the clinic, please? He's really sick. I'm picking up his school work for today anyway." You silently thank her while taking a bite from your breakfast. 

"Oh dear. Let me check for myself. Finish eating and I'll drop you off at school." My eyes widen in surprise when Cass leaves a quick kiss to my head before she walks up to Hiro's room.

That was….sorta embarrassing. 


Not like now, where we're all squeezed into the truck. I snicker and hold my hand to mouth to keep from laughing. 

"(Y/n)..." Hiro drags out my name in an exhausted tone. Though he couldn't stop me from taking a picture of Baymax a little deflated and acting as a carseat for Hiro. The lovable bot hugging him close and the seatbelt holding them comfortably. 

Hiro sighs and leans back, seeming to be dozing off. 

I smile softly at him then unbuckle my seatbelt once Cass pulls in front of the school. "Thank you, Cass. I'll be by later with Hiro's schoolwork." 


"Alright. Have a great day at school, Kiddo!" Cass waves happily though she freezes once you wave back sheepishly. 

For a moment, the Hamada Aunt recalls a day the brothers went to school during their younger years. Hiro had gotten sick as well and Tadashi went to school so he could bring back his young brother's work. 

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