Chapter 8

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          "Okay, so give me the details," Ben demanded as soon as I grabbed a shopping cart.

          "You want me to just divulge my darkest secret in the middle of a supermarket?" I looked at him like he was dumb as shit. He had the grace to look a little contrite. I walked towards the grocery section, leaving him in my wake.Only to spin to him and extend my pinky. " I need you to promise you won't tell Blain. It's not your secret to tell him. Pinky promise."

          "Oh, it can't be that bad." Benjamin blustered but I interrupted him.

          "You think that I would make the decision lightly to end someone's life? Is that what you think of me?" I hissed out, retracting my proffered hand.

          "That isn't what I meant. I meant if you're offering to do a pinky promise it can't be that bad." Ben explained offering his own tan pinky. I considered it for a moment and then took his.

          "You break a pinky promise, I break your face." I responded before directly heading to the produce section. I grabbed a few heads of lettuce before looking out some dressings as Ben sputtered. "I'll tell you everything in time."

          Methodically, I went through each aisle, picking whatever I felt like. Making food the past days made making a mental grocery list easy. In the freezer section I picked out one item and moved the extremely full cart to the checkout. Benny, wasn't very helpful in the aspect of getting your shit and go. He enjoyed, what I call, dawdling. He wanted to make sure we got the best deals, the freshest, the most organic, and locally grown produce. Not to mention he knew everyone and had to catch up. Because of him my 15 minute shopping trip ended up being two hours.

          After being rung up and another pointless chat of "How's your dog, Lucky? I heard your cat got diabetes. Tough break." The most helpful Benny boy was was when he loaded the groceries into a pack member's car that he had asked to take the groceries back to the house.

          "Where to next?" I asked buckling myself into the passenger seat.

          "Wherever you want to go and talk," Ben emphasized on the last word. I deadpanned him. I had hoped the business of everybody and shopping would distract him. Taking a moment to think it over, I made a decision. I will tell him but he is gotta earn being in the know.

         "Is there a Starbucks anywhere close? I'm parched." I asked sweetly. Instant suspicion crept onto his face. "Don't worry, I'll tell you after a few errands."

          "Okay, I could go for some coffee." He said turning the engine over. I smirked and turned on the radio. He made quick work of traffic and soon we found ourselves in the drive thru of Starbucks.

          "What can we get started for you today?" A nice voice came over the speaker. I placed my order and Ben did his as well. As soon as we paid and received our drinks he turned to me and raised an eyebrow.

          "Did you see that strip mall a ways back? I almost forgot that I have the bare necessities. Can we stop there? Afterwards I'll tell you everything." I said smiling sweetly.

          "Fine, but this is the last stop before the truth." Ben said sternly. In no time we were exactly where I wanted to be. Quickly, I rounded the car and grabbed Ben's hand. I briskly dragged him to the nail salon. As recognition settled in he tried to put a stop to this by dragging his heels but I just smiled at him and tugged him along.

          "You wouldn't want to tell Blain that you lost me because you wouldn't enter the same place as me?" I tossed over my shoulder. Reluctantly, Ben came in as well.

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