Chapter 13: Pushing Away

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Aang woke up in a cold sweat. It was just a dream, he sighed. He sat up and looked around. He didn't realize where he was until he saw his clothes on the floor. He was in the Fire Nation with Katara. He smiled and reached over to hold her only to find an empty bed. Oh no, she's mad. He stood up to go find her when he saw her clothes from the previous night still on the floor. Maybe not too mad. He walked into the bath chamber to relieve himself before starting his search for the girl who kept him going.

He walked to the chamber pot and began to let a steady stream flow before sighing. Morning wood was definitely a problem.

"Hi, there," a voice said. Aang was lucky to have been done peeing because he jumped literally ten feet in the air. He got back on the ground and turned to find a laughing Katara in the bath tub. She had filled the tub with steaming water up to her neck before adding a cherry blossom bubbles to it. Her hair fell into the water, let loose from its usually taming braid.

"Hey, Katara," he said blushing a deep shade of red.

"Care to join me?" she asked.

He looked at her covered up to her neck. His mind could only see her stuck in the earth from his dream.

"I'm okay, thanks though," he said walking out of the bath chamber.

Katara frowned as she watched him leave, wondering if she did something to upset him. Yesterday he had seemed extremely pleased to see her naked but today was a different story. She stood up and dried herself off. Opening the doors, she followed him out to the balcony.

"Aang, what's wrong?" she asked.

He turned his head away from her, ashamed he couldn't answer the question for himself. He didn't know what was wrong. That was the problem. He wanted to be able to protect her from whatever was coming. 

"Katara, I don't know what's going on, but I'll let you know when I figure it out," he stated.

She knew not to push him. She simply nodded and walked back inside. Leaving Aang alone with his thoughts. 


Hey guys, this was mainly a fluff chapter but it's worth whats coming next <3

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