Chapter 19: Battle

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     Aang held the flame in his hand like he had done a thousand times before. The difference being that he hadn't walked down these catacomb tunnels a thousands times. Only once. He remembered everything about that day so vividly. The way Katara had fought with everything she had to offer and how he had finally been able to trigger the avatar state on his own. But something sharp jabbed against his back, reminding him of the outcome of that day. He had fallen, bringing the Earth Kingdom capital down with him. Remembering this massive failure had led to months of hiding in caves until the solar eclipse allowed him to lead a raid on the Fire Nation capital. Again, he failed. It wasn't until he had defeated Firelord Ozai that he was finally able to come to terms with who he was and everything he had done. Saving the world hadn't been easy, but it had been doable for a twelve year old. Now he was eighteen and he had to save the girl he had dreamed of endlessly since he opened his eyes and saw her for the first time. 

  He had questioned himself more than once on how he could rescue Katara and still get everyone he cared about out alive. Maybe Zuko could focus on Azula while he went for Katara and defeated the guards who awaited him. 

Aang continued imagining possible scenarios while Zuko explored the possibilities himself. Surely, Aang would try to rescue Katara and Zuko would be able to go after Azula himself. It would allow for each to get what they desired. For Aang, to get his girl back and be her hero. For Zuko, he would defeat the girl who had always had him doubt himself. 

The pair approached the mouth of the tunnel and continued walking until they were in the crystal encrusted cave. 

"Where do you think they are?" Aang spoke, vocalizing both of their thoughts.

"Hmmm," Zuko said surveying the cave. It was empty except for the two of them. He spotted a lake in the distance with something brown rising out of the water. He squinted then motioned for Aang to quietly follow him. 

Katara sat in the pool of water waiting. She knew that Azula would either kill or torture her once Aang rescued Sokka and Suki and escaped. Moving the water around her had come naturally as she twirled her fingers through her now singed hair. The crystals above her reflected off of the lake but she couldn't find the light source that illuminated them. Sometimes she wished she was an earthbender just so she could move the crystals around herself. She played with the water around her before hearing fast footsteps approaching her from behind.

Turning slowly, she saw the bald monk she once called her best friend standing a mere fifty feet away. His stance was relaxed but his arms remained slightly bent like birds ready to take flight at the first sight of danger. Aang wasn't going to fight her. She knew better than that. He would run from her as he did with every enemy he wished no harm upon. Catching him was going to be one of her biggest challenges in this fight. But what would she do once she had him? That was another thought for when the time came.

He took one step towards her with his arm outstretched.

"Katara," Aang croaked. 

That's all it took for the curse she had been given to kick in. Ice shot from her fingertips towards Aang, causing him to leap, narrowly missing the shards. When he turned back to face her she felt guilty beyond belief as a look of hurt crossed his face. He didn't understand. 

Shaking the look from her mind, she shot a wave of ice at his head and feet. This time it made contact and Aang slammed into the rock wall to his left.

She didn't mean to throw him so hard but whatever the guy from the night before did had enhanced her abilities. One look at Aang's face told her exactly how hard she had hit him. She grimaced at that look. He looked confused before jumping up and sprinting in the opposite direction.

She ran behind him, following him deeper into the catacombs. 

She opened her mouth to speak but the foreign language came out. She knew Aang couldn't understand her. That must've been the point of what the man did. Azula didn't want any chances of Katara messing up her plans. Her words failed her as a look of horror came across Aang's face. A slight recognition lit up his eyes before it was replaced by the fear etched onto the rest of his features. He recognized the language. Maybe he understood that she was sorry for what she was to do to him. Smiling sadly she sent another blow towards him, this time shards of ice flew at his chest. He jumped backwards just barely dodging the glass flying towards him. 

"Katara, please stop, I don't want to hurt you," Aang pleaded, hoping she could understand. He didn't understand why she would attack him. She had to be possessed by something. It was the only explanation for her actions and that horrid language he had had nightmares of. 

Katara couldn't help herself. It was like a demon took over her actions as she began to shoot water towards him. Her skills had been enhanced and Aang was just barely dodging her shots. He took off running down the cave, towards where Zuko had vanished. He spotted a small opening and hid before Katara could catch up to him.

She ran right past his spot, just as he hoped she would. Stepping out, he quickly shot a rock at her feet causing her to tumble to the ground. Before she could move, he enveloped her hands and feet in rock, securing her where she was. 

He had to get to safety. Katara was attacking him with unknown cause. He heard a crash and looked behind him to see Katara running at him at full speed. He had no clue how she came loose from the earth but she looked angrier than before. This time when she threw the ice, it sliced across his face, leaving a gash on his left cheek.

"Enough!" he roared. He had tried so hard to avoid confronting her but he had no choice. Without thinking he summoned the air around him and slammed Katara into the wall of the cave.

Katara hit the wall with the force of a tornado, hitting her head against the rock. She fell to the ground with lacerations covering her body.

Hearing the crack as her body slammed into the wall brought Aang out of his state long enough to watch her fall to the ground. From the mouth of the cave, Sokka and Suki emerged running towards Katara.

"Aang what have you done?" Sokka screamed, advancing towards him.

"It was an accident.. she was attacking me," he stuttered, trying to understand what he had done. He walked closer to see her.

Suki looked up with tearful eyes, "She's not breathing."

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