Chapter 12: Sweet Dreams

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The next morning Katara woke up to a pair of strong arms around her. She peeked one eye open and looked up to see Aang. His mouth was half open and he was slightly snoring. Katara chuckled to herself before realizing she was completely naked. Her mouth dropped in shock. She looked under the covers to see that Aang was completely naked too. Oh my god what did I do? She rolled onto her back letting her hair cascade around her. Thoughts of the previous night flooded her mind. She smiled, maybe this wasn't so bad. She had missed him and he had obviously missed her too. She wasn't aware of what was going to happen but she wasn't upset that it did. She had a wonderful time with him and she knew he wasn't going to be upset with her. But what about Maya? a little voice nagged in the back of her mind. She'll be okay, he's made his decision. Nature calls. She stood up and walked into the bath chamber.


Aang felt a shiver run down his spine. He bolted upright, taking in his surroundings. It was dark. Too dark. Except for a single light in the distance. He got up to get a better look. As he walked forward he noticed there were trees on either side of him. He looked for the moon but could find none. Am I in the spirit world? He shot his arms in front of him and air sliced through one of the trees. Confused, he walked on. The light was getting closer. He could now see that it was a coming from a clearing ahead. As he got closer the light shined even brighter. Upon further inspection he could see a single crystal sitting on a pedestal. Crystals don't just shine. They reflect. He again looked for a light source but couldn't find one. He reached forward to touch it when it shattered. The force of the blast knocked him back into a tree. Looking up, he saw none other than Maya standing in front of him. 

She gave him a wicked grin before reaching down and grabbing his arms. Chills stood up all over Aang's body as she pulled him closer. He pushed her back as hard as he could without hurting her before turning on his heel to run. No sooner had he lifted his foot he heard a scream. He knew that scream all to well. Katara.

He swung around ready to fight when all he saw was Katara sinking into the ground as she did on the day General Fong had tried to push him into the avatar state. Panicking, he ran towards her. She was screaming in the same language she had been speaking in his dream all those weeks ago. The closer he got, the further into the ground she sank until only her head was visible. 

"Aang, please help me," escaped her lips as he leaped forward to grab her. As his hands grazed her hair, she sank completely into the ground. Aang did every earthbending move he could think of to unearth her but her body was buried. He heard a cackle behind him and turned to see Maya.

"Be careful, avatar, otherwise this will become your reality," she said.

Aang's vision began to swim. The trees were doubling and focused in and out. Out of nowhere, everything went black. 

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