Braces (Mabel Knows What I'm Talking About)

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I feel you Mabel Pines.  The Struggle is Real.  


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Having braces wasn't ALL terrible, but there was some uncool experiences with it. 

Like getting food stuck in it and needing to rinse your mouth with water  :/ 

Or embarrassing yourself when you smile and the piece of bread sticks to the wire. 

The orthodontist and dentist telling you that you can't have gum! 

Flossing  *Glares at teeth in mirror*

Or having the orthodontist tightening it when you had JUST gotten used to the feeling. 

Worst of all, when it accidentally cuts your lip. 

But lets think positive here :D 

WhEn YoU gEt iT oFf, yOu hAvE.....  STRAIGHT TEETH!  Yay!! 

Depending when you get your braces, your classmates usually are going through the same thing.  Braces are actually pretty common.  

Most importantly when you have braces, you can be as cool as Mabel Pines 

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