Ch. 12 : Spain

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"Ashley, please clear my schedule for this whole week" I tell my secretary as I turn my computer off. "Yes Ms. Ridalfo" Ashley replied back and I watched her leave my office. Its been a whole week, and the only person I have been able to schedule a meeting with has been Arlo, the Boss of the Spanish.

I didnt really want to do business with him, he was a bit cheeky but I knew it would mean more European distribution for me. I might as well take what I can. My main target was the Japanese, but I guess they could wait. I stood up, took hold of my bag and left my office.

I would be flying to Spain tomorrow, and I really needed to rest. This past week has been filled with me not only running a legal business but a illicit one. I've sent Zander over to France to check out the land where the new company was going to be built so I was pretty much alone.

I headed out of the company and straight to my car to drive home. Throughout the whole car ride I listened to some classical music. As I got to my condos building I noticed paparazzi were souroundings the entrance. "I swear to god" I snickered out as I parked and opened the cars door.

"Naomi, is it true your in a relationship with Salvatore?" Multiple men asked as I walked to the elevator. "Rumor has it that your constructing a new company in France. Is it true?" A few more asked. Camaras flashed by my face. I pressed the button on the elevator and waited for it to open as I got blinded.

Once it opened I stepped in, placed my pin in and waited for the doors to close. They reopened again and I headed into my pent and headed up the stairs. After a few mimutes I had finished packing my bags and dressed in a simple white sun dress. I then headed back down stairs.

My phone ringed once I stepped into the elevator. I was heading down to the garage as I picked up to hear Arlos voice. "Are you coming?" He asked. "I'm on my way to the airport" I responed. His line is silent. "Good, I'll see you here once your plane lands". The line goes dead and I sigh.

I exit the elevator and head to my car to follow my usual routine that I have every other week. Leave home, get on a plane, work on the plane, and land. I drove all the way to the airport and stepped out of my car once I was on the runway and headed into the jet.

Throughout the whole ride, I worked on some final contracts and informed my father and Zander that I wasnt in U.S. territory nor would I be for a few days. I buckled my seatbelt as the plane prepaired to land and unbuckled once we were back on the ground.

I stepped out of the jet to feel a slight breeze and watched as the back door of the jet opened and Kyle headed into the back of the jet. "Thank you" I tell kyle as they set my car down and I head to it and drive off.

I end up infront of A huge mansions. The outside is made up off grey stones . It somehow looks new, even with its rustic exterior. Gaurds approach me with their guns held high and I smile at them. The usual greeting from a mafioso.

"Let her in boys". I turn towards the door to see Arlo in a satin blue robe. "Hello pretty lady" he says and smiles at me. "I'm here for business arlo". "Ah, si" he says and turns away from me and I follow after him. We end up in his office and we sit down.

"So what is your offer?" He asks. I toss him a small bag containing my drugs. One of his men takes it and tests it. "Whats your price?" He asks once he sees the purity. "7 million". "Why so much?" He asks. "its the up front, I always ask for a number near that. After a week you'll see why" I respond.

"I got a deal a day ago. What make you more special?" He asks as he tosses my drug back. "Mines clean, there's less dead people after consumption. Not to mention, you dealing with me". "I see were getting cocky" he laughs and I smile. "His price was cheaper".

"And not to mention that he's a man, how do I know this is wise?" He asks. I take my gun out and point it at him. "By this". I aim my gun at one of his men and shoot. Guns click and I set my down on the desk. "May I?" I ask. Arlo nods his head and I head towards the dead man.

I take his shoe off and show the men the powderish substance on the bottom of the shoe. "Look at his eyes closely, and his nose. Hes been testing your own merch" I say and toss the shoe to one of Aldos men. "You have bigger balls than any man Ive ever known" arlo tells me with a gleam in his eyes.

He pulls out a contract and I walk over to him, read it and sign. "This is a contract of silence. No one shall know I have business with you, nor that I was here. I have some men around your property, if they as much as hear my name around this area, were done" I warn him.

He signs the papers and nods. "Will you be staying in spain?" He asks and I nod at that. "Today, and tomorrow. I have to fly off for another business meeting" I reply. "Okay then, we'll keep in contact" he says and we shake hands.

I leave his property and drive into the city where I park outside a small cozy hotel and pay for my stay. I head to the elevator and step out into a big apartment. I head up the steps and into a room and fall straight on the bed. I'll go eat later on when im done with sleep.

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