Ch. 40 : Revenge

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It had been about 30 minuted and now my office was being invaded by everybody. "What's going on?" My parents asked. I looked at everybody who was there and stopped when I came across the set of green eyes I was looking for. I walked over to him and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and threw him against the desk.

"What are you doing?" My family exclaimed. Man from the Bratva and la cosa Nostra drew their guns up and aimed it at all of my family members. Victor pushed himself from the desk and turned to look at me. "Wheres my husband?" I asked. He looked confused. "Where my husband?" I yelled and Victor flinched at my raised voice.

"I don't know" he replied. "Well you better think" I spat. He seemed to be thinking for a few minutes before his scared demeanor turned cold.

Ah what a miracle.

We stared at each other. "Where is he?" I asked. "What's going on?" My mother asked. "Your sons memory is back" I said as I moved my hands in a jazz manner. Was it sarcastic of me? Totally. I told my men to lower their guns. They did as told and victor sat.

"When I left, I was attacked by the columbian leader" he whispered. "He said a few things when I was going in and out of conscious" victor spoke softly. "He had a file of one of your projects in his car" he said.

"What project?". "It was the one I wanted you to make" he said. The orphanage? "Why is that project important?" I asked. He stayed silent. "Why is it important?" I asked again.

"Under it lays Arsenal. It was a cover up" he said. Pieces of the puzzle seemed to connect and then I looked at victor and threw a punch at him. "When did You have business with him?" I asked.

"When you made your way to Japan" he answered. The room was silent. "All of you need to leave now" I ordered and watched as all my family stood up straight.

"Carlos get a group of men and escort my family to the airport. Make sure they are safe" I ordered and watched him nod. They all walked out of the office and I looked at the man that were left. 4 men from each mafia stood in the room. "I want the men armed and ready for combat". They nodded and walked out of the office.

I walked out after a few minutes of getting my shit together and made my way down the hallway, down the stairs, and out of the house to the warehouse. Men were loading guns into cars and stopped once they saw me.

"I want 5 strike teams when we get there. I need scouts to take out any Columbian on the outside perimeter, stand guard on outside perimeters. Strike teams need to come in through cardinal directions. I'll go with the fifth team. Once we surround the designated area, I want you all to set up and I want my men to stand near to get my sign to open fire or back up. I'll be the one entering the facility" I shouted.

"Yes boss" they shouted and got back to doing what they were doing. I made my way into the ware house and took my clothes off and dressed in black jeans and a black shirt and slid on combat boots.

"You should wear a bullet vest". I looked to my right and saw carlos handing me a vest. "Is my family safe?" I asked. "Jet took off without complications" he said.

I pushed the vest away from him and shook my head. "You put it on. He'll be suspicious if I show up in a vest" I said and took hold of a pistol. I loaded it and made my way out of the ware house.

"Remaining men need to head to each warehouse we have and make sure they are safe. I don't need surprise raids while we're on mission" I told them and watched as men made their way to suvs. I made my way to a car and got in. I told the driver the address to the orphanage and we began to move.

The ride to the orphanage was dead silent. No one dared to speak a word. This was the first time both Mafias were working together. The first time I was going into combat with la cosa Nostra.

I was filled with adrenaline and anxiety. The cars came to a stop about a mile away from the orphanage and we got out. Carlos handed me a walkie talkie and I spoke into it.

"I need a 360 on the area. Cover each other backs" I ordered and we began to move our separate ways. I stopped the team and waited for the other 4 teams to give the clear. "Perimeter clear boss". I pulled my gun out in front of me and began to walk. "I need the place surrounded at all angles. Vision needs to be clear" I whispered.

After a few minutes, we were outside of the building. "Go" I said and watched as the men surrounded the orphanage. After ever one was in position I entered the orphanage and stopped in my tracks as I came face to face with Hugo. He was in the middle of the stage, tied down to a chair. "Put the gun down". I looked for Mikel as his voice rang out but couldn't find him.

"I said put the gun down". I did as I was told and raised my hands up in a surrendering way. "I know your men are outside" he said and walked onto the stage. "Then you should know your a dead man" I told him. He snickered at that. "I guess" he said and aimed a gun at Hugo. "But so is he". "Don't" I said. "And Why shouldn't I?" He asked.

"I-I'll marry you" I whispered. "What was that?" He asked. "I'll marry you" I said louder. I was almost near the stage. "What makes you think I want that?" He asked as a sinister smile was plastered on his face.

"I'll give you whatever you want" I said. He seemed to ponder on that. "I don't need anything" he said. He aimed the gun back at Hugo and I looked at his nearly dead state.

"Game over" he said. Right before he could pull the trigger I lunged at him and we fell to the floor. I took hold of the gun and punched him. "Head in" I shouted and soon enough the building was infested by my men. Mikel pulled the gun back towards him and then a shot ran free. The room was silent as I pulled away from Mikel.

I looked at my body for any sign of blood to find none. "It's me" he said. I looked at Mikel. He was smiling. That son of a bitch was just shot and he was smiling. He coughed and blood gushed out if his mouth.

"Don't think your happily after is near, yet" he said. He tsked at that. "No no no. You haven't gotten your gift yet" he hissed and I decided that was enough.

I aimed the gun at his face and pulled the trigger. "His heart beat is low". I turned around to see my men taking care of Hugo. "We need to get him home" I said and they picked him up. We walked out of the church and made our way back to the cars.

"Step on it" I ordered as we drove off. I ran my hands through Hugo's hair and felt tears spill down my face. "Your going to be fine" I whispered as I placed a kiss on Hugo's forehead. "Your going to be fine.

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