Ch. 22 : Firing

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Naomi's p.o.v.

I woke up to the sound of arguing. I tried to sit up but felt someone hold me tightly. My mind went into panic and I moved away forcefully out of their grip. "What are you doing?".

I looked towards the voice and saw Hugo sitting up. I remembered what happened and closed my eyes as I felt anger rise up in me. "How long has it been?" I asked as I stood up from the bed. "About a hour" Hugo replied.

I made my way out of the room and walked into my office to see Victor walk out of the office looking mad. "What happened?" I asked. "He knows" my father whispered and I looked at him and raised my eyebrow at that.

"Who else?" I asked. I paced around the room and stopped once I saw Hugo enter. "I heard it, but I won't press you unless you want to talk about it" he said and came towards me. He pulled me into his chest and I felt him hug me tightly.

"Let me go" I said. He shook his head. "I don't need you pity" I hissed and shoved him away. "I'm not" he said. I shook my head and pointed at the door. "leave" I ordered. He shook his head. "Get back in your place and remember that this is just a deal. Now leave" I ordered.

He nodded and said fine. He walked out of the office and my parents looked at me. "I didn't ask you to tell him. He didn't have a right to know" I grunted out. "Naomi". I looked at Arabella and shook my head at her.

"Not now Arabella, I'll talk to you when ever I get assaulted again". She looked away and my uncle stood up. "Listen here-". I cut him off and snickered. "No, it all started because of you" I yelled. "Venice-" my father started and I moved to my desk.

"I need you all to leave" I said. They all stood up but didn't leave. "I'm going to ask you nicely to leave, or I will call security to escort you out". My father nodded and pushed my mother out of the office. Alessandro did the same to Arabella and left.

I felt myself choke and I did what I did best. I screamed and threw everything that was on my desk on the floor. I felt tears fall down my eyes and I slammed my fists on my glass desk. It shattered and I saw my hands bleed.

Ashley ran in and I shook my head. "Get out" I yelled. "Get out now" I ordered and she left. I made my way into my room and looked around the room. My eyes landed on a bottle of scotch. I walked towards it and opened the bottle up and drank straight out of it.

I felt the sour taste in my mouth and I cried harder. I slid down against the wall and sobbed. I felt weak and torn. What if this got out? I closed my eyes forcefully and threw the scotch bottle at the wall in front of me.

I felt hands on me and I looked up to see Zander. "You need to relax" he said. I shook my head. "I can't" I said and felt my lips quiver. "We have a meeting in maybe less then 20 minutes with the associates. I need you to get up and prepare" he said.

"I-" he cut me off. "Veni I know your feeling hate towards them and yourself right now. Use it to push yourself forward not to push yourself back" zander said and pulled me up. "Its okay" he whispered and pulled me into his chest.

I hugged him back and felt myself calm down. We pulled apart and I saw him look saddened. "Why didn't you tell me?" He asked as he took of my hands and cleaned them. I looked away from his eyes and tried to move away but he didn't let me. "You know why" I whispered.

"As your friend I'm going to tell you that this is wrong. But as your underboss I'm going to tell you this is a good move" he said. I looked at him and he smiled sadly. "And as Your ex I'm going to say its hurts but its your choice and I hope you find happiness".

He turned away from me and walked out of the room. I stood there and felt my self roll my shoulders back. I probably looked like shit, I sure felt like it. I wiped my eyes and made my way out of the room and out of the office.

"Mister Zander is already in the conference room miss" Ashley said. I nodded and looked at the papers she handed me. I signed them and handed them back to her. I stepped into the office and walked to the from of the conference table.

I heard a few whispers and I looked towards two of my associates. I stood up and pointed at them. "Go to your offices and clean your stuff up, your fired" I hissed. "Ashley I need you to search for someone to replace those imbeciles" I said and watched her type that down on her iPad.

"Now where were we?" I asked. The room was silent. "Oh" I said and stood straight. "Look at the board please gentle men" I said and saw the graph on the screen. "Mind telling me how my stock price dropped 23 million dollars in these past few days that I was gone?" I asked trying to keep my voice calm.

"We-" one of the men said but I shut them up. "There's No need for you to explain" I said. "I know all of you are men who just think with their dicks instead off their head" I hissed and heard a few coughs. I pointed at once specific man and saw him gulp.

"One of your mistresses just so happened to be a worker for one of my business rivals" I said and clenched my jaw. "You will be hearing from my lawyers and also, your fired" I said and watched him stand up and leave.

"Now as of now gentlemen. My stock price need to not only go back to its original state, I also need them to double by the end of the day" I said. "Or your fired" I hissed and slammed my fist on the conference table. My hands felt on fire and I saw them bleed freely.

The men in the room looked at them and then stood up and their face paled. They left and I looked at Ashley. "Laura will be hear in 5" Ashley said and I nodded towards her. "Will you come?" I asked Zander. He shook his head.

"I have to go issue a business deal at my company" he said and walked towards me. "But I'll be back around 4" he said and kissed my forehead. He left the room and I did too. I made my way to my office which had a new desk set up and the room was cleaned up.

I made my way to my seat and heard the door open. "Busy much?" A voice said. I looked up from my desk and saw Laura walk in and sit in front of me. "Ashley informed you of what happened didn't she?" I asked and rubbed my forehead.

She nodded. "I see you just added a new wound to your list" she said. We both chuckled and I nodded. "He found out" I said. She looked at me saddened and I scuffed. "He would have found out sooner or later" she said.

We stared at each other for a bit. "Adira got everything" Laura whispered. "What do you mean?" I asked as I sat straight up. "I mean everything, including the business that ties to you" she whisper yelled. I stood up and paced around the room.

"Is there a way to get her out?" I asked. Laura shook her head. "You know how your contracts work" Laura yelled. "Try to find a way" I said and sat back down. "I will" she said and opened up her brief case and handed me a few contracts.

"I went over your contracts with Mr. Lowsu, and Angelo" she said. "Who?" I asked. "Zander closed the deal with the Canadians" laura said. "I'll talk to him about it" I said. "Also here's your contract for your husband, congratulations by the way" Laura said and I rolled my eyes.

"What did zander say?" She asked. "You know that what we had was a child's thing. I was 17" I said and she chuckled. "Does he share your feelings?" She asked. I looked at her with seriousness and felt myself zone out for a bit.

"Ill see you in a few" Laura said and I came back into reality. "I'm sorry" I said and she smiled. "I know. Its okay" she said and stood up. "I'll call you later" I said and she nodded. "If you don't I will" she said back and I watched her leave the room.

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