Ch. 18 : Marriage

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I woke up to the sun shining on my face. My body was sore and I groaned as I tried to sit up. "Be careful you might get dizzy" a voice said. I sat up finally and searched around the room for the voice.

There he was in all his glory. "What time is it?" I asked. "10 am" he replied. I looked at how he was dressed and I had to admit he looked handsome. "You have 7 hours to get ready, then we'll get married" he said and walked out of the room.

Did I want to get married? No. Did I want more power than my brother? Yes. I got out of bed and headed towards the bathroom and turned the shower on. I took the shirt that was on me off and got in the shower once I turned it off. I relaxed as my body was hit with warm drops of water.

This would all be over in a few months. I just needed to have power for a few months. I was going to destroy the italian mafia. I rubbed my body with soap and felt my skin tingle. After a few minutes I finally turned the shower off and got out.

I wrapped a towel around my body and made my way out of the bathroom and into the room. Two woman were seated down on the bed. They looked at me and smiled. "Goody, we can get started now" they said and stood up.

"Who are you?" I asked and saw them walk towards me. "We're your dressers" they said in union and took hold of me and dragged me to the bed. They pushed me down and moved to grab bags. I saw them open their bags and pull makeup out.

"I don't really use makeup" I exclaimed as they walked back to me. "We know honey". I starred at them in shock. Did they just? Hmmmm. I closed my eyes and took a couple of breaths. I won't kill them. Naomi you can't. I repeated this in my head a few times.

I felt someone brush my hair and I opened my eye suddenly. "I'll be doing hour hair". "What are your names?" I asked. "I'm Linda" the women who was brushing my hair said. "Lupita" the other women said.

"Alright, less chit chat. More work" lupita said and got to work. I closed my eyes and let her do my face. After what seemed like hours she finally finished. "My turn" linda said and I felt her pull my hair. "Ouch" I said and heard her chuckle.

"Sorry dear" she said. "Ill be drying your hair first" she said and I heard a dryer turn on. Soon warm air hit my scalp. "What are you going to do to my hair?" I asked. "A messy hairdo" she replied. I felt her tug my hair a few times and clenched my jaw.

I bit my tongue a few times as well. "There you go" linda said and I stood up. I walked over to the vanity and looked at my reflection. I had to admit it, I liked it. I liked it a lot. "We have a few dresses for you" lupita said and showed me a rack of dresses.

I looked through the rack and decided on a simple satin fabric dress. "It's simple don't you think?" Lupita asked. "Its timeless" I told her and watched her nod. "That's what some reporters would say" she huffed out. "What do you mean?" I asked.

"It's the wedding of the century" they both replied. "I don't get it". "Hugo had people set everything up since yesterday" Linda said. "Peoples magazine is even here" lupita exclaimed. I stared at them still confused. "Who told him I wanted this to be the wedding of the century?" I asked.

They looked taken back by my question. I stood up and walked towards the bedrooms window. I looked outside to see people already there. Paparazzi were everywhere as well.

"What time is it?" I asked. "4" they said together. I walked over to the dress and through it on the bed. "Wheres my underwear?" I asked. They handed me a bag and I opened it.

I groaned as I saw lingerie. "And Who bought this?" I asked. "Hugo" they said. I told them to leave and they did. I slide the underwear on and then the wedding dress.

I didn't want this. I was mad. No, I was outraged. I looked for shoes and came upon simple white pumps.

I slid them on as well and walked over to the vanity. "You can do this" I whispered and smiled at my reflection. My smile dropped and I shook my head.

No I can't. I stood up straight and rolled my shoulders back. I walked towards the door and saw the woman standing there.

"Its time". I nodded and walked past them and headed down stairs. Once I was near the back of the house, music started playing and I walked down the stairs and made my way to the aisle.

I walked down it and placed a fake smile on my face. Cameras flashed around me and I knew that pictures of me would be in every magazine tomorrow. I groaned internally. I saw hugo smiling at me and I knew I hated this man already.

I finally arrived and the music stopped. People sat down and then it was time. I was selling my soul to the devil. "Estamos unidos hoy en dia para juntar a dos personas que se aman". The priest said in Spanish.

The ceremony continued and then the priest looked at Hugo. "Aceptas a Venice Naomi Ridalfo como tu esposa?" He asked. "Si" he said. The priest then looked at me and asked "aceptas a Hugo Bracamonte como tu esposo?". I looked at Hugo and thought about it. Am I really going to say yes?

"Yes" I whispered and saw Hugo grin. "You can kiss the bride" the priest said, and he did. He pulled me towards him and kissed me hard. The crowd cheered and I saw cameras flash all round us. What did I do?

He pulled away and soon he was pulling me down aisle. "Where are we going?" I asked. "Our honeymoon" he replied unfazed. I stopped right in my tracks once we were inside of the house and shook my head. "I did not agree with that" I stated.

"We already fucked" he said bluntly. "That was yesterday, and it was a mistake. This is a contract, not a real marriage" I hissed. "You are my wife" he said sternly. "You are my business partner" I spat out. "We are going and that's final" he screamed.

He walked towards me and took hold of my wrist. I moved away from him and slapped him across the face. He looked at me with anger and grabbed me forcefully by the shoulders. "Don't test me Naomi" he warned.

"You should know not to test me" I hissed at him and felt him release me. He looked at me with anger and I watched him turn around and walk away. Soon sounds of things getting thrown at the walls were heard through out the house.

I walked to the front of the house and saw my keys hanging on the wall. I took hold of them and walked out. My car was still there. I went to it and got in, turned the car on and drove away. "Sorry my dear husband, but your not the one in control" I said as I left the ranch. From the rearview mirror I saw his figure and snickered.

I really did sign my soul away.

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