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After breakfast I walk into the living room with Liam who has a milk stain on his shirt. He looks down. "I'm going to change. Give me a minute and then we'll play Call of Duty."

"Okay," I sit on the couch and wait for him. Looking up I see Veronica walk up the stairs. Not long after that I hear giggling from Liam and Veronica. A door slams shut and everything goes quiet.

"Veronica," Julia yells.

Turning around and looking at her I say. "She's upstairs. I think she might have snuck into your brother's room. I heard them giggling earlier."

"Thanks." She climbs the stairs and heads towards her brother.

While everything is quiet I lean my head back against the couch and close my eyes. I don't know how long I'm like this until I feel a kick to the leg. "Hey, idiot. Time to wake up."

I open my eyes and look at the person that kicked me. I see Julia and she has a scowl on her face. "Why do I need to wake up?"

"I need to take you home. The sooner you're out of here. The better for me." She grabs the keys off the hook next to the door and walks out the front door with her best friend on her heels.

I slowly climb to my feet and then walk to the kitchen where Mrs. Harris is putting away the dishes. "Thanks for breakfast Mrs. H."

She turns towards me and a faint smile graces her lips. "You're welcome. I'm sorry I have to get Julia to take you home. I have a doctor's appointment shortly that I can't miss."

"That's alright. I don't mind spending a couple minutes with your daughter listening to how many ways she wants to kill me."

Mrs. Harris laughs. "I'm sure she does. Don't let her get to you. When the time comes I'm sure she will forgive you for the things you've done. I've only heard your side of the story and I can't imagine what hers would be like if she told me," she walks over and hugs me. "Give me a call when you get home? I want to make sure my daughter didn't drive off a cliff with you in the backseat."

"I will." Waving at her I head outside to the car. Where I see Julia in the driver's seat and the passenger seat is left for me.

This is going to be a great ride home.

I open the car door and climb in. I look at Julia. "Do you know where I live?"

"In the gutter." She mumbles. I pretend that I didn't hear that snarky comment. I just don't want to have a fight with her while she has company. She licks her lips. "No, you'll have to give me directions." She pulls out of the driveway and heads on the direction I told her.

It doesn't take long before we reach my place. My house is two stories, with a white picket fence. There's stairs that take you to the front door. A flower bed sits in front of the living room window. There's red and white roses in the flower bed.

A smile spreads across my face and I turn towards the girls. "What do you think of the house?"

Julia hides her emotions and she looks rather bored. "It's nice. I'm sure all you're one night stands love walking through the door that they're never going to be walking through again."

"Actually, none of them have come to the house. This is the house I bought thinking of a future with a woman and raising a family."

Veronica leans forward and says. "The woman that lands you will be lucky to have a house like this over their heads.

She would.

I step out of the car keeping my eyes on Julia. "Yes, she will be. I just hope I haven't ruined a chance with her." I shut the door.

Julia looks at me and says. "You never had a chance with her." She pulls away from the curb and drives down the street.

I stand in front of my house watching as the car I was in round the corner and disappears around the corner.

Pulling my keys out of my pocket I head to the front door and unlock it. I step through the front door. My phone starts ringing and I pull it out of pocket. I see Liam flash across the screen.

Me: Hey, Liam.

Liam: Where are you? I thought we were going to play Call of Duty?

Me: We were, but your Mom came up with the brilliant idea of getting Julia to drive me home.

He whistles.

Liam: Damn, I hope you made it home safe.

Me: I did. I'm supposed to call your Mom and tell her that I arrived safely and Julia didn't drive me off the cliff.

Liam laughs.

Me: Shut up.

"Mom," Liam yells. "Cole made it home. He wasn't driven off the cliff like you thought he was."

I laugh.

Me: Why would you say that to your Mom?

Liam: Because it's funny. Are you going to come back to mine?

Me: Nah, I think I want to stay home. Tell Antwon that you're coming over here. We can play pool and drink beers.

Antwon: You can count me in, man.

Liam: See you, soon.

I hang up the phone and walk down to the pool room. I open the bar fridge and see how much beer I have left. There's eight beers left from the last time we had a boy's day. Walking behind the bar I pull the box of beer off the stash I have. Pulling out more beer I put it in the fridge.

Moving around the house I put things away trying to make it clean before the boys arrive. Looking out the window I see their car pull into the driveway. I open the door and wait for my friends to join me in the house.

Another car pulls into the driveway and I see Frankie step out. He's wearing a singlet and shorts. He has a smoke sticking out of his mouth. "Thanks for the invite, Asshole."

Looking between Liam and Antwon I say. "I didn't invite you."

"Of course you didn't. The only people you ever invite around are those two. When I saw them drive pass I thought I might find out what you boys are up to."

I shake my head. "Since you're here now. You might as well come in, Frankie." I step aside and wait for them to walk into the house."

Frankie stops at the mat on the front door and he wipes his foot. He steps into the house and looks around. He whistles. "This place is amazing. I'm surprised that you can afford something as lavish as this."

This is the place I brought with the money from the sale of my parents place. I couldn't live in that house with all the memories of my youth and parents. I lead the way to the pool room and set up the game. I pick up a stick and sharpen it.

 I pick up a stick and sharpen it

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