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After talking to the group of woman outside the office I notice I'm ten minutes late for the interview.

It's not good that I'm late. These bloody woman wouldn't let me go.

The door opens and I see Kylie standing next to another woman.

She smiles at me when our eyes clash. "Hey, Julia. I'll see you right now." Kylie leads the way to the office. She holds the door open for me. "It looks like they know about what happened on the island too."

"That's correct. Is that why you want to give me this job because of the type of person I am?"

A smile spreads across her face. "I've been looking for a teacher like you for years, but I've never come across one that's willing to put their life on the line to save a kid. When I found out you were back here I had to find a way to get you to meet with me. Before I sat you down for this interview I called your references and they told me that I would be stupid not to hire you on the spot and I'm starting to agree with them." She looks at the folder. "Did you bring that for me?"

"Yes, I knew it was a proper interview and I thought I would need this. Since, you called my references before I came I'm starting to see that I didn't need to bring it."

"Can I look at it?" She grabs the folder from the table and flips through it. She goes through the certificates I have. "You're going to make a great addition to this school. Welcome aboard."

I shake her hand. "Thanks, Kylie."

She pushes her chair out and stands. "I want to show you around the school. Before we leave the office I have to tell you that your class has a three night camping trip coming up in three weeks and you have to attend it."

That's great. I'll need time away from my family and their drama. It'll also give them to be better people towards me.

A smile spreads across my face. "I could use a break."

She laughs. "I bet it's not the type of break you need, though."

"Going away with a group of kids will be a change. On the island we didn't have anywhere to take to the children except for the beach and walks through the bush. Which was a lot of my student's favorite things to do. Have you planned any day trips with classes yet?"

She shakes her head. "I'm not familiar with most of the places here. If you know some place that the kids can go to. Let me know and I'll speak to the school board and see what they think of it."

"Okay," I follow her as she leads me down the hall of the school.

She stops in front of a door. "This will be your classroom on Monday. Right now we have a substitute taking over the class. I'll introduce you to her and then the class." She knock on the door.

I hear the clicking of heels before the door is open.

A woman with blonde hair and blue eyes opens the door. She smiles at Kylie. "Hello Mrs. Monroe. What can I help you with?"

"I would like to introduce the class to their new teacher, Miss Harris."

Kylie steps to the side and I see an old class mate of mine.

The smile stays on her face and she says. "Hey, Julia. It's nice to see you again."

I smile at her. "You too, Maggie." I step into the class room with Kylie.

She gains the attention of the class and she says. "Class I want you to meet your new teacher, Miss Harris."

"Good morning, Miss Harris." The class says.

"Good morning." I walk around the room and meet some of the students that I will be teaching on Monday.

I can't wait to start working at this school.

Once I've talked to all the students I walks over to Kylie and she tells me that she will show me the rest of the school.

I say 'bye' to Maggie as I walk out of the classroom.

Kylie shows me the rest of the school and by the end of the tour I see that it's 11:00.

"Thanks for showing me everything, Kylie. I'll see you at 8:30 on Monday." I walk out of the school and head to my car.

When I reach my car I pull my phone out of my bag and see a message from Antwon.

Antwon: Hurry up and get home. Dad wants to tell us something and I don't want to wait any longer for you to get home.

I'm not hurrying home just because you want me to.

I climb into my car and start the engine. Pulling out of the parking lot I head in the direction of my parents place.

As I drive past some mansions I see a 1969 Ford Mustang in front of a house. Pulling the car over I climb out and look at the car.

The owner a sixty year old male walks up his driveway. He stops next to me. "She's a beaut isn't she?"

"Yeah, She is. How much do you want for it?"

"Five hundred bucks. I was going to take it the scrap metal place and letting them have the parts, but if you want to get off my hands that would be great."

"I'll take it." I pull the cash out of my purse and I give it to him. "I'm going to call my friend and he'll be by this afternoon to pick it up."

"What's your friend's name? I want to give the car to the right guy."

"His name is Cole Mason."

The guy writes his name on a piece of paper. He smiles at me. "It was nice doing business with you, Miss."

"You, too." Pulling my phone out of my pocket I scroll through the contacts until I reach Cole's name. I call him.

Cole: What's up, Julia?

Me: Do you remember the conversation we had about the 1969 Ford Mustang?

Cole: I could never forget that conversation. Did you find one?

Me: Yes, I paid five hundred bucks for it. I'll send you the address where you can pick it up from.

Cole: Please tell me you're not pulling my leg.

Me: I would never do that you. The guy said he was going to take it to scrape metal place and let them pull it apart. I couldn't let him do that to the car.

Cole: Send me the address. I can't wait to see the car.

Me: I will. Bye, Cole.

Cole: Bye, Julia.

I hang up the phone and then type the address into a message and send it to Cole. I climb back into the car and head to my parents place.

When I get to the house I see my brothers sitting on the lounge.

"Finally," Antwon yells. "Now we can find out what's wrong with Mom." He leads the way into the house.

Liam turns towards me. "Let's go."


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