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Cole pulls the car into the driveway. He parks the car before pulling the keys out of the ignition. "Your Mom is going to be happy that I'm here. Every time we ask her to make pizza I help her."

It was one of my fav meals to make with her too. She makes the base from scratch before adding the rest of the stuff to it.

Cole steps out of the car. "I'll get your door." He walks round the car and opens it for me.

I pick my bag off the floor before I step out of the car. "Thanks, Cole." Walking pass him I head to the front door and open it. When I get to kitchen I see my family sitting around the table.

Mom looks behind me. "Where's Cole?"

"He's on his way." Turning around I look at the door waiting for him to enter the room. He walks through the door and I say. "I didn't kill him..." whispering I say. "This time."

Veronica laughs and everyone turns their attention to her. "What?" she asks.

Liam pulls her into his side. "What were you laughing at?"

She looks at me before shrugging. "Nothing, Mrs. Harrison I heard you make the best pizza's around. Is there any chance you can show me how to make it?"

Mom looks at me. "If Julia is okay with it then I'll let you help."

I haven't been home in a while so I shouldn't be that surprised that my mother would find other people to replace me when it comes to cooking.

Looking at Veronica I say. "It's fine. I'm going to go for a walk. Can someone call me when dinner is ready?" I don't wait for a reply and I grab my phone before walking out of the house.

When I get to the driveway I see Dad pulling in. he climbs out of the car and walks over. "Julia, where are you going?"

"For a walk." Looking back at the house. "Mom has replaced me in the kitchen with the guy I hate and my best friends. There's no room for me to make my favorite meal with Mom as other people want to make it as well."

Dad pulls me into his arms. "Things have changed since you left, Julia. You can't expect everything to go back to normal because you're back at home. Embrace the changes, sweetheart. Because nothing is as bad as you think they are."

A smile spreads across my face. "You used to tell me that all the time growing up, Dad. I'll also try to get used to the changes, but don't expect it to happen overnight."

He looks at the house. "I heard you had a talk with Cole today. How did that go?"

"He's here isn't he?" I sigh. "I told him something I never thought I would share with him in a million years, but it felt good being able to talk to him about it."

"What was that?"

I grab Dad's hand and we start to walk down the street. "After the Tsunami hit my life flashed before my eyes and I saw all the good things I've done in my life, but there's also a hole where something else should be."

Dad smiles. "A family of your own?"

"Yes, I didn't just come home because I needed a change from the Island. I also need something that's going to fulfill my needs and starting a family is that for me. I've been looking into IVF and I think that's the only way to get what I want."

He stops walking and turns towards me. "That's not the only way you can get the family you want. I know someone that's been in love with you for a long time that would be willing to help you out."

He's probably going to say Cole.

"Cole," Dad's quiet for a moment before saying. "While you were gone he always looked at your pictures in the house and he looked sad every time he saw them. Eventually, you're mother and I decided to put them away so he wouldn't continue to torture himself because you left. I don't think he stopped it when he got home. I was over at his house once and saw him flipping through the yearbook and he left it open on your picture. It had tear drops on the page that day. Also, there were a bunch of letters with your name on it." He pulls a letter out of his pocket and gives it to me. "Cole gave this to me last week. He said when I see you to give it to you."

I take the letter from him. "Thanks, Dad." I hug him.

He kisses the top of my head. "I'll leave you alone with the letter. Come home after you've read the letter."

Looking up I see that we stopped at the park down the road from the house. "Okay," opening the envelope I pull the letter out. "Bye, Dad." I walk over to the chair and sit down.

November 27th 2008

Dearest Julia,
Today is Thanksgiving Day and I thought that you were going to ignore me and come home to celebrate this holiday with your family, but when I didn't see you come into town I realized that my threat to you was taken to heart.

I'm sorry that I did that to you and every day since I was hoping to see the happy, bubbly, beautiful girl walk back into town without a care in the world. When that didn't happen I knew I screwed up royally with you.

I wish I could go back in time and change the words that came out of my mouth that day, but we both know that's impossible. I hope someday when you do come home that we can talk and I can apologize to you face to face. We both know that writing an apology is just words, like when it comes out of your mouth.

I'll have to prove it to you, not by words, but in actions. Please know I'm truly sorry, Julia.



A tear falls down my face as I finish his words. Looking at the sky I say. "What should I do?"

A girl around my age walks over to me and she takes a sit next to me. "Well, well, if it isn't Julia Harrison. Does our friend Cole Mason know you're in town? If he doesn't I can't wait to see his reaction."

Looking closely at her I see that it's my ex best friend. "Well, if it isn't the snake. She becomes friends with you only to run when the most horrible guy in school wants to hurt a girl he actually has feelings for."

She frowns. "How do you know he had feelings for you?"

I stand up. "If you've been in tune to the gossip you'd have heard that he spends time with my family and right now he's in my kitchen helping Mom cook her famous home-made pizza." Looking at my phone I say. "I have get home for dinner. I would say it was nice seeing again, Georgie, but that would be a lie." With that I walk away.

" With that I walk away

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