An Unusual Meeting (part 2)

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Yeah, the day didn't turn out so bad after all and Yoongi even managed to take a short nap in the afternoon and right now he was getting ready to head to bed, because it was already past 10pm. He came back from the hospital about an hour ago, he took a quick shower and ate some leftovers from the day before, he really had to go to the supermarket and re-stock his fridge, but he had no time to do so. Maybe he could order a pizza or Chinese tomorrow, starving himself and having no energy was the last thing he needed.

He yawned and got up from the couch, slowly making his way towards his bedroom when suddenly his doorbell rang. He ignored it though and continued walking, because it was probably just his imagination, nobody ever visited him except his parents from time to time and they always called before the dropped by and surely had the common sense not to bother their son at this late hour.

However the ringing did not stop, so Yoongi changed the course of his direction and swing the door open, ready to beat up whoever was standing there, because seriously, he was not up for some late-night pranks, but he was met with very familiar dark locks and big eyes. Instead of his uniform, the waiter was now wearing a red hoodie and jeans, which looked rather good on him and Yoongi thought he looked stupid in his lame black, baggy t-shirt and some sweatpants he found in the wardrobe. But he was about to go to bed, he certainly did not expect guests, therefore there was no need to look presentable. Now that Yoongi wasn't in a hurry, he got a closer look at the boy and he actually noticed that the other was at pretty much the same height as him. Yoongi did not have anything against tall people, but he was kind of tired of being the shortest one in the group.

The boy was slightly startled when the door was opened, but smiled when he saw Yoongi. "Hello! I am sorry to disturb you at this late hour, but um..." The boy bowed down and then straightened his back again, so he could continue his speech. "I had a 12 hour shift at the café and got home at 7pm and I washed your jacket right away! It's still slightly wet, but I wanted to return it to you today no matter what, so here!"

Yoongi was once again surprised by the other boy. He just told him that he had had a 12 hour shift and the first thing he did when he went home was not eat, take a shower or sleep but he actually washed his jacket? Okay, this fellow was quite weird, but maybe not in a bad way.

Yoongi wasn't used to people doing something for him without asking for something in return. He was always suspicious and with a reason. Whenever someone approached him, it wasn't for a simple talk or out of good will, they always wanted something – 'Hey, you already passed the Biology exam, right? Professor Yang is such a bitch, huh? But seriously... how did it go?', 'Did you hand over that report that's due to tomorrow? Man, I really need some help.', 'Damn, the nurse just bailed on me, saying she has something else to do! Yoongi, dude... please, help me with this IV!'

Yoongi was honestly surprised how some dumb and incompetent people even managed to get in the university, but then he walked around the hospital corridors and noticed familiar faces and family names.

Of course, connections.

Sometimes, family traditions were a scary thing. Just because one or both of your parents are doctors, doesn't mean that you have to be one as well. If those doctors-to be couldn't even stand blood, how were they supposed to operate on someone or bandage a simple wound? Jesus.

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