Your Everything (part 2)

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Yoongi couldn't believe how much his life changed in the past month. He never thought that he would become this close with the boy, who had accidently spilled coffee on his favorite jacket (which by the way looked as brand new, because of Jimin's great washing skills). He let the boy in his home on a daily basis now, he even actually gave Jimin a spare key to his apartment and not even his mom had one, but he trusted the boy enough to give him a key. It was mainly because Yoongi was too lazy to open the door, so it was much more convenient now when Jimin just rang the bell to let him know that he was there and unlocked the door himself. Occasionally, Jimin went to the apartment when Yoongi was still at the hospital, simply because the older needed a change of clothes, but he was too lazy to drive home and then back to the hospital. The café where the black-haired waiter was working at, the hospital and Yoongi's apartment, they were all in the same area, so it wasn't too much trouble for Jimin to fetch a shirt or a new pair of pants, at least he never said so, so Yoongi was glad that someone was finally doing something for him just out of good will. But on the day when Jimin sounded too tired during their talk over the phone, Yoongi lifted up his lazy ass and went to his apartment on his own. It felt nice to be taken care of, but he also didn't want Jimin to overwork himself, it seemed like the boy never complained and Yoongi was sure that even if Jimin was deadly tired, he would still do him a favor.

Speaking of the spare key, which Yoongi gave to the younger about two weeks ago - once Jimin used his key without ringing the door bell first, he was in a hurry because he urgently needed to use the toilet, so after walking in, he instantly stormed right towards the bathroom where Yoongi was actually in the middle of showering... yeah, that was kind of awkward. Mostly for Jimin though, because he practically saw his crush naked, Yoongi didn't really care much and because there was shampoo in his eyes, he failed to notice Jimin's red face and widened eyes. (Park Jimin almost died on that day, but at least... he would have gone to Heaven super happy. Don't judge him, okay?)

There was no more afternoon, beauty sleep for Yoongi now, because whenever he wasn't at the hospital or didn't have lectures, he actually spend his entire time with Jimin. He just didn't have the heart to say 'No' to anything Jimin wanted, even last week when the younger suddenly felt like eating ice-cream in the middle of the night (Fine, it was barely 10pm, but Yoongi was usually in dreamland at that hour), so after watching a random tv-show, they actually went to an ice-cream shop and Jimin looked like a happy child. However, Yoongi took notice of the slight change in the boy's behavior. When they first met, Jimin acted like a hyper puppy and he was still much more lively and energetic than Yoongi, but there was something different. Yoongi couldn't put his finger around it, but in the end he decided that he was just over-thinking.

Yoongi was currently in the shared room for interns, writing a report. It was twenty minutes after lunch and he was happy to be back in the peaceful room. Of course, not because he thought Jimin was too noisy or something, he just still had the images of that weird couple that was sitting right next to them, Yoongi's lunch almost went down the wrong pipe, because of what was happening on the bench across of him.

So he liked the quietness of the room, which was like his second home now. He wondered where most interns wrote their reports or spent their free time, because it was mostly him who used this room plus a few more people. Well, there was a common room on each floor, so maybe it wasn't that surprising and anyway, Yoongi couldn't be happier to spend some time alone and-

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