All I need is You (part 2)

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"I'm sorry for not calling you." Yoongi apologized and decided not to utter lame excuses like 'Sorry, I was busy. You know how it is... university and the hospital...'

Yoongi's schedule was hectic as always, but he was not that busy. He could have always called or texted Jimin, he just decided against it, he chose to act like a coward.

"It's fine, I didn't call you either."

It was not fine, Jimin was sick, he needed Yoongi by his side and yet the older distanced himself, he placed a wall between them and that saddened Jimin.

Did you do this, because you already know, Hyung? That I love you?


Yoongi's question once again made Jimin's insides twitch uncomfortably. Why, why, why?

"I needed time." The boy replied, but Yoongi was not satisfied with the answer.

"Time for what?"

They had reached that part of the conversation, which Jimin wanted to avoid at all cost. He was supposed to spill the beans now, wasn't he?

That's what Jimin wanted to do, but having Yoongi in the same room as him, made his fears re-appear. What if this turned out to be their last talk? What if Yoongi decided that he no longer wanted them to stay as friends, what if-?

Jimin's train of thoughts was interrupted when he felt Yoongi's hands on his face, Jimin didn't even realize that he had started turning his head away.

"Don't you dare to ignore me, Park Jimin. I am here to talk, so please talk. Don't bottle up everything inside. I won't know what you're thinking, what you're feeling, until you tell me."

Jimin somehow found reassurance in Yoongi's eyes, he was here, he was willing to listen. No, he wanted to hear what Jimin had to say and since the other was still holding onto his face, Jimin couldn't run away any longer, so he clenched his fists and took a deep breath, before speaking, before finally revealing his deep and true feelings towards the older.

"I like you."

Jimin spoke softly, but confidently. He could see a slight change in Yoongi's expression, as if Jimin had just confirmed something he already knew, but before the older said a word, Jimin decided that actions speak louder than words. He didn't want Yoongi to misunderstand his type of like, there was nothing to explain, he just had to show him.

So after mustering up the courage he needed, Jimin leaned in and pressed his lips against Yoongi's. They were soft, just as he had expected and Jimin wanted the moment to last forever – to have Yoongi's rather cold hands on his face (or maybe his skin was just on fire?) and to have the other's lips on his, but Jimin didn't want to push his luck too much, so he quickly pulled away and was met with a rather stunned Yoongi, who had frozen in place when Jimin kissed him.

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