The (im)perfect Plan (part 1)

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For the first time in months, Yoongi didn't have to tell Namjoon to shut up, while he was writing down his report, because the younger has been sitting on the chair opposite of him for twenty minutes already, but he was just playing on his phone.

However, it was definitely weird... Namjoon only visited the common room for two reasons – to annoy Yoongi by blabbering non-stop or to wait for-

"Hello, you two!"

As if on cue, the door opened and Namjoon set his phone aside right away after hearing the voice of his most favorite Hyung in the world.

"Hey, Hyung." He greeted and received a breathtaking smile in return, his legs almost turned into jelly, good thing that he was sitting on a chair.

Seokjin... of course, I'm not even surprised. Yoongi didn't even greet the older, he was about to ignore him, he probably only came to chat with Namjoon anyway, however he lifted his eyes up when Seokjin stood right next to him.

"You should go to the children's ward, Yoongi." Seokjin said, not minding the fact that Yoongi did not acknowledge his presence when he walked into the room, he was used to his behavior.

"What? Why would I? You know I hate kids." Yoongi replied in disbelief, had Seokjin eaten something wrong for breakfast or??

"Kids are cute, but then again... you hate cute stuff. Anyway, you should go. There's something there that you will like a lot."

"Ugh, just go away." Yoongi practically shoved the older away and Seokjin almost spilled his coffee on his white coat, he didn't have a spare one, so that would have been a disaster.

"Wow, rude. You're so grumpy today." Seokjin commented, as he distanced himself a bit from Yoongi. He leaned on the wall next to the window and took a sip of his coffee.

"He's just depressed because the kid didn't show up today." Namjoon said nonchalantly, which earned him a look from Yoongi.

"What kid?" Yoongi asked, as he casted aside the report he was writing. He couldn't do any work, while those two were in the room.

"Aaah, yes! Jiminnieee! Did you upset him with something, Yoongi?? I haven't seen him today."

Yoongi once again wondered if Namjoon and Seokjin were spying on him and Jimin. Seriously, why were they so interested in them anyway?? "I haven't done anything!"

And that was actually the problem. Yoongi has been irritated for a few hours already. It all started at 10 o'clock in the morning when he sent Jimin a text, but received no reply and even though he himself sometimes couldn't reply right away, Jimin always typed back within minutes.

Then, his mood worsened even more when his lunch break passed with no sigh of Jimin, no text, no call. He was left starving, but he didn't care about the food at all. He was wondering where in the world Jimin was and why he hasn't contacted him yet.

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