All I need is You (part 1)

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Yoongi lay in his bed, eyes wide open, breathing anything but even.

He glanced at the clock on the nightstand and noted that it was almost 10pm.

Fuck, I should be sleeping.

But the thing is... he couldn't.

Just like all the previous nights in the past week, he was deadly tired. He actually left the hospital quite early tonight and he went to bed around 9pm, but Namjoon's words kept haunting him. Yoongi felt like the younger hadn't thrown harsh words at him, but daggers instead, daggers which were making his heart bleed.

And his mind also went over Seokjin's worried face, his advices and then Jimin, Jimin, Jimin.

The memory of his brightly smiling face was replaced by his wavering voice and teary eyes.

And Yoongi felt like he was drowning even without being in the water. There was plenty of air around him, but he was suffocating, he couldn't continue like this.

He lifted his body up and clenched his fists.

What the fuck are you doing, Min Yoongi?? Since when did you become such a coward?? Why are you so afraid to look for Jimin??

Truth is, Namjoon was right. Yoongi was afraid that he would only make things worse, he had the tendency of messing things up, especially when he cared, because he didn't know how to approach the matter. And he definitely cared deeply about the kind and angel-like boy, called Park Jimin.

Yoongi thought about it over the last few days, the days which he spent separated from Jimin. He missed him, a lot. A lot more than he ever missed any friend in his life. And as the words of his colleagues kept replaying in his head, he somehow started understanding their meaning.

Maybe Namjoon wasn't writing a fiction in his head, he always referred to Jimin as Yoongi's boyfriend and spilled some other dumb shit, but what if Yoongi was the blind one? Had he been that oblivious? Seokjin and Namjoon seemed to be telling him exactly this – that Jimin liked him and that Yoongi liked him back.

The hot-tempered boy dismissed the possibility at first, but then his mind travelled to the countless hours of talking on the phone, the messages, Jimin's laugher and the way his whole apartment brightened up because of the younger's presence, the way the boy cared for Yoongi and always brought him food, his flushed cheeks from time to time - Yoongi started noticing that expression on Jimin, after the bathroom accident, he did not make the connection back then, but thinking about it now, made him wonder if Jimin was embarrassed when he saw him naked and thought about it from time to time?

Ridiculous or maybe not.

Yoongi knew that he felt something special for Jimin, he just wasn't sure what exactly. He never lent anything from his collection to anyone, he rarely let people in his home, he didn't like it when people touched his things, but he didn't mind it when Jimin invaded his privacy. It was quite the opposite, Yoongi loved the boy's company, he got excited every time when Jimin came over, even though he didn't show it that much, he still played with the younger's hair, because he knew how much he liked it.

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