Chapter Two

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A/N: Italics mean sign language.

Chapter two

When Callum finds General Amaya, she's surrounded by advisors, scribes and diplomats all vying for her attention. With the summit less than 24 hours away, the castle is in chaos. At her side stands Commander Gren. All the excitement has clearly taken its toll on the auburn-haired Commander who shoots Callum a pleading glance before hastily resuming his task of interpreting the General.

Noticing Gren's brief hesitation, she follows his gaze to the doorway where Callum lingers in uncertainty. He'd intended to demand an explanation as to why he'd been denied the opportunity to participate in the negotiations, but watching his aunt struggle to fend off the clamouring officials, his anger had dissipated.

Hello Callum, she signs, welcoming the distraction.

Hi, he replies, now unsure how to continue.

Sensing this she prompts, can I help you with anything?

He rocks back on his heels uncomfortably as, for the second time that day all eyes in the vicinity burn into his skull. Commander Gren, realizing with relief that interpreting this conversation would be an intrusion, remains silent, causing the curious stares to continue.

I was hoping I could talk to you about the summit, he admits.

We are talking, she frowns. If it's that important shouldn't the council hear it? Despite playing dumb, General Amaya already knows what this was about.

Fine, I'll get to the point. Why aren't Ezran and I allowed to be part of the discussions? We were the ones who returned Zym. What we did is the whole reason the summit is even happening! How could we not be there? His frenetic gestures mean understanding sign language isn't necessary.

General Amaya sighs. She could really do without an overdramatic teen on top of everything else. Callum, I know this means a lot to you, but you have to understand that this means a lot to everyone. Remember that you're still a child and your naivety has no place at the summit. These people murdered your father.

At her words, a realisation came crashing down. You still think they're monsters, don't you? he accuses, even after everything that's happened?

Her face is all the answer he needs, "I have to go."

Callum can't disguise the disappointment in his voice. Without looking back, he misses the wounded look in his aunt's eyes as they trace his hasty exit from the hall. Only when the vast oak doors slam behind him is she shaken from her astonished trance. Time is of the essence, she reminds herself, Callum's brooding is the least of her worries.


As the setting sun leaves the forest with a chill in the air, the elven party decide that, despite being mere hours away from the castle, it's time to make camp. Regardless of aching muscles, no one is exempt from their duties, so Rayla opts to gather kindling, abandoning her pack in the clearing with the others. The final golden rays of sun filter through the dense, leafy canopy dancing prettily on the aquamarine brook, scattering light in all directions. Exhaustion washes over her, but she doesn't care. Working the kinks from her shoulders and stretching her tense muscles, she takes it all in as if it was for the last time. For all she knows, it could be. Just like that, any semblance of her good mood vanishes. The silver binding on her wrist itches reminding her of her promise and she can almost hear Callum berating her. I thought you'd have learnt your lesson last time, He would say, shaking his head with a smirk pulling at the corners of his mouth, I hope you know what you're doing. This time there's no baby dragon to get you out of this.

She massages her wrist and tries not to think about events of the past month, catching the traitorous tear threatening to spill from her amethyst eyes. She is a warrior; she doesn't cry. She didn't cry when the elders, stubborn and set in their ways, declared they still couldn't trust humans. She didn't cry when they came to the ultimatum that the only way to ensure peace would be a union between a human noble and an elf. And she didn't cry when the elders came to her saying that she, the elf who helped bring peace among the two nations, should be the one to unify human and elven-kind. That she should marry a complete stranger. Instead, she holds her head high, proud that she can help her people; prepared to do whatever it takes to unite Xadia once and for all.

A/N: I hope you enjoyed that chapter and if you did, don't be a silent reader! Thanks to my beta midnightpansy!

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