Chapter Eight

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Chapter eight

The room instantly falls silent, save for the sound of Rayla facepalming, shaking her head exasperatedly.

Throat suddenly dry, Callum rasps, "Do what?" rather ineloquently, doing an incredibly realistic impersonation of a goldfish.

Removing her half-moon spectacles and folding them neatly in front of her, the head elven diplomat intervenes before things get out of hand, "Considering this new development, I think it best for your... attempt at choosing a candidate to be ignored and we proceed to review the default suitor we have selected in the case of this eventuality. After examining the noble bachelors-"

"I'll do it," Callum declares passionately, surprising even himself.

Intrigue eclipses any resentment directed towards the young man following his outburst.

"Pardon?" Inquires Opeli, clearly not expecting this result.

"I'll do it," he repeats quieter, but no less sure of his decision, "I'll marry her. For peace," he adds, blushing. She's going to kill me for this, he cringes.

Amaya stands and starts to sign, smacking her Commander on the back of his head when he remains in astonished silence at this turn of events.

"Then the matter is settled. We shall celebrate the engagement at the masquerade ball this evening," he translates hurriedly.

Nodding, the elven representatives allow discussions to continue, as if the decision made was just another goal accomplished. Throughout the rest of the meeting, Rayla refuses to make eye contact, instead, staring intently at the fabric of her dress. Neither she nor Callum are spoken to again; their usefulness fulfilled in the eyes of their elders. A few hours of monotonous trade deals, border agreements and lots of cups of Hot Brown Morning Potion later, the meeting adjourns and the officials file out, leaving Rayla and Callum alone.

Rayla is the first to speak, hostility masking her fear, "I'm sorry! I'm sorry that I got you mixed up in this mess! I didn't mean for this to happen... I just-"

Callum pulls her into a tight hug, cutting her off mid-sentence, "Don't," he says firmly, "don't apologise. You have nothing to be sorry for. If this is the only way to placate the elders then... I'm glad it's me! At least this way you won't be miserable," she doesn't make a sound but feeling telltale dampness on his shirt he continues, "I promised I'd be here for you," he whispers soothingly, planting a chaste kiss on her forehead.

She clings to him, burying her face in his broad chest and finally surrenders to the emotions she's been suppressing for so long and sobs quietly, melting into his embrace.


Ezran has been laughing continuously for ten minutes straight since Cal had stumbled back to his room bearing news of his impending nuptials. Callum, who had long given up his attempts to quieten his brother's roaring laughter, flops face down on his bed and covers his ears with his pillow, failing to see how this situation was in the least bit funny.

Finally gaining some composure, Ezran confirms between gasps, "...married. You're getting married. Pfft... to Rayla. Oh, this is too good!" he then collapses into a fit of giggles, unable to manage another sentence, ducking the pillow Cal aims at his head.

A/N: I hope you enjoyed that chapter and if you did, don't be a silent reader! Thanks to my beta midnightpansy!

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