Chapter Five

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Chapter five

Until now, Callum had never realised how much Rayla's happiness meant to him but seeing her soft features lighted by a smile he feels a surge of inexplicable joy. In the same moment, he comes to the life-altering realisation; he is so screwed. He barely takes note of the ceremony as it unfolds before him, consciously ignoring Ezran's smirking at the dopey grin he's sure is plastered on his face. He can only watch her as she gracefully makes her way around the room, exchanging bows with each member of the high council until she comes to a stop, directly in front of him. As a show of respect for their fallen king, the elven representatives journeyed to the human kingdom, in kind, their hosts choose to bow first. Rayla returns Callum's low bow with one of her own, drawing the welcoming to a close. After a chosen speaker from each nation delivers a short speech on what they hope the alliance can achieve, General Amaya organises for the elves to be shown to their respective quarters. Discussions would begin later that day but first, it was agreed that the party should freshen up after their long journey.

Lifting Rayla's pack from her shoulders and on to his own, Callum starts towards the exit. "Ezran and I will show Rayla to her room," Callum interjects, casually dismissing the servant girl assigned to the young Moonshadow elf.

Visibly relieved, she nods, "As you wish, your highness."

The assembly funnels out of the foyer followed by the three heroes who lag behind, bringing up the rear.

"How was your journey?" Callum asks, hoping he sounds suave.

"It made a nice change using the front door," she jokes, but when no one laughs, she adds, "too soon?"

"Too soon," they agree, but this time, they release light, easy chuckles; it was good to have her back.

Slipping back into their usual camaraderie, they reminisce all the amazing moments of their journey, but Callum has always been able to tell when Rayla's holding back and her forced smile isn't fooling him. It's only once they've stopped outside her room and she reaches up to tuck a tuft of snow-white hair behind her pointed ears that he spots it, glinting in the morning sun, partially still hidden by her sleeve. His arm shoots out catching her wrist before she can attempt to hide it.

Pushing up her sleeve so it no longer obscures her silver band, he fixes her with a steely gaze. "Rayla, what is this?" Callum questions sternly. He thought they were done with secrets. Did she still not trust him?

Panic rises in her chest and she pulls her wrist from his grasp as if she'd been burned. She can't answer him. She can't tell him about the binding, not yet. Hating herself for her actions, she scrambles for the door and slams it shut behind her, resting her head on the solid oak panels of the doorframe, wishing her reprieve could have lasted just a little bit longer.


"Why am I such an idiot?" Callum asks, rhetorically as he collapses onto his large bed. Although his two years away have sculpted his body into a picture of physical strength, he's no closer to understanding the female psyche.

Haunted by the vulnerability that looked so out of place on her strong visage, he knows there's more she's not saying and he refuses to believe she could ever accept another assassination contract, but he can't figure out the missing link. Ezran is just as shaken as Cal, but he sits in quiet contemplation, mulling over her reaction.

"How about instead of beating yourself up about it, you try talking to her?"

Ezran thinks that this would be the obvious solution.

"I just... can't," Callum shoots, but he's unable to justify his reasoning.

Processing his emotions is not one of Callum's strong points and his usual outlet, magic, would prove disastrous as he had quickly learnt that emotionally inept teens and sorcery was a volatile combination. Instead, he slings his towel over his shoulder and heads out, towards the hot springs. At this time of year, it's exactly what he needs to clear his mind so he leaves, without another word.


Rayla knows she has to be the one to tell them the truth, but when opportunity had presented itself, rather than having her friends know she's getting married, she lets them believe she intends to kill someone. Somehow admitting it to them makes it real, but as the hours until the summit vanish, it gets harder and harder to escape the truth. Tonight, when each party presents their terms, the fate of Xadia and Katolis rests on her shoulders. Again.

A/N: I hope you enjoyed that chapter and if you did, don't be a silent reader! Thanks to my beta midnightpansy!

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