Chapter Eleven

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Chapter eleven

Even from where Rayla and Callum sit on the bandstand floor, surrounded by an enchanting garden, deep in conversation, the faint sounds from the distant ball, long forgotten, can be heard, rising up from the heart of the palace complex. Cal is balancing his open sketchbook on one knee, occasionally looking up from his work to his oblivious subject and tweaking his picture to reflect her perfection. The conversation flows easily; Cal's wry sarcasm mixed with Rayla's bare-faced honesty means there isn't a dull moment.

"Can I see?" Rayla asks, innocently reaching for the leather-bound sketchbook.

Pulling the book from her reach, Cal tries not to let his panic show, but it comes out harsher than expected, "No!"

Undeterred, she makes another grab for the book, this time succeeding and playfully swatting away his hands as he attempts to retrieve his sketch before she sees. Finally surrendering, he slumps back against the bandstand railings, a red blush painting his cheeks, This is it, I'm so dead, he groans internally. When she doesn't say anything, he starts to picture every conceivable method of punishment she might use against him. Hearing the pages of his sketchbook turn, his mortification consumes him and he wishes he could disappear.

"Cal, these are amazing," she breathes. He had not been expecting that.

Every page was filled with detailed sketches of Rayla, each a labour of love, capturing her ferocious beauty. Some had been refined with watercolours, enhancing the realistic vibrancy captured in his artwork. Turning to one of his earliest drawings, she gasps reading the caption neatly printed beneath. It read, the most beautiful woman in Xadia. Her eyes dart to Cal's bashful form resting against the railing, avoiding her gaze. Suddenly Rayla knows what she has to do to fix this.

Leaning in so their faces are centimetres apart, she wraps her arms around his neck, softly pressing her lips to his. When he doesn't return the kiss, her eyes flutter open, tears welling, blurring her vision.

Fearing she misread his actions, she stammers, "I- I'm sorry. I thought-"

His mouth stifles her words as he initiates a passionate kiss, pinning her against the railing, protecting her head with his hand. She tastes like sweet moon berries.

"I thought I told you not to apologize," he murmurs against her lips when they break apart.

He draws small circles on her cheeks with his thumb, cupping her face and she lovingly leans into his touch.

"I'm in love with you, Rayla," Cal confesses. The earnest expression on his face melts her heart.

"I love you too."

A/N: I hope you enjoyed that chapter and if you did, don't be a silent reader! Thanks to my beta midnightpansy!

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