Chapter Three

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Chapter three

When Callum doesn't return that evening, Ezran starts to worry. This isn't the first time Callum has disappeared like this, but he's never fought with aunt Amaya before. Fortunately, Ez knows exactly where to find his brother.

Since their return, Cal has taken to visiting the secret chamber where they'd originally found the egg, determined to master every spell contained within the collection of ancient texts.

On their first night back at the castle, Callum had burned every book on dark magic, swearing he would never let anyone become seduced by its power like Lord Viren had, so very few titles remain in the dungeon's private library, but after a quick redecorating, it became Callum's favourite place to spend his free time.

Yawning, he picks up a disgruntled Bait, shakes off his fatigue, and sets out in search of the older prince.


Cal is alerted to his brother's approach by the low rumble of shifting stone as the spiral staircase descends from the ceiling. He doesn't look up; too engrossed in the book lying open in his lap, the words illuminated in the soft candlelight. Ez clears his throat, unsuccessfully attempting to attract his brother's attention.

"Callum," he calls, choosing to assume he hadn't noticed him yet.

"CAL!" he tries one more time. If Callum was going to be so pig-headed, then so would he. "Say hello to my little friend."

Suddenly, a white light engulfs the room, blinding the stubborn prince, who jumps, spilling hot wax over his thigh and marring the neat calligraphy of the handwritten notes.

Blinking the purple blotches from his eyes he turns to his brother and the ugly green frog still glowing in his arms.

"What was that for?" Cal splutters indignantly.

Ez snickers. "You had that coming," he insists, wiping imaginary tears of mirth from his eyes.

"Of course I did," Cal huffs in his usual brand of sarcasm, but even now, his lips quirk up in a grin betraying his own amusement.

As Callum relights his candle, Ezran shuffles across the icy stone floor, pausing to push down on the miniature statue set into the wall, sending the stairs back up to their original position and sealing off the cold draft. He seats himself so the pair are back to back, taking comfort in the warmth emanating from the body behind him.

"You know, you shouldn't be so hard on her," Ez murmurs softly. "She doesn't know Rayla like we do."

"I know, it's just..." Callum hesitates in search of the right words, " can we hope to make peace with these people if our own hold so many prejudices?"

The very same thought has been plaguing Ez, his reply is careful and measured, and Callum glimpses the king he will become.

"As long as we do everything within our power to make this work..." Ezran yawns, "...people will see things our way soon enough," he finishes, with a lot more confidence than he felt.

Feeling more optimistic than he had in a long time, Callum sinks into a heavy slumber; Ezran's words echoing in his mind.


Since most of the scribes had been summoned from their stations that morning in preparation for the summit, the royal library has been all but abandoned. Hidden amongst the maze of towering shelves, sits Claudia, completely absorbed in her studies. The silence is deafening, save for her soft breaths. Just the way she likes it. Having woken up early, eager to consume the reading material, her eyes feel heavy and she yawns, turning the page.

Just as she's about to drift into an exhausted stupor, she's jolted awake by Soren's sudden and overdramatic entrance. Her chair tips backwards sending her careening into the precariously stacked pile of books behind her. Cursing her brother, she attempts to extricate herself from the avalanche, but her efforts only result in further destabilizing the surrounding stacks, which collapse, entombing her in a paper prison.

"Claudia!" Soren wails, heading towards the source of the loud crash.

Maybe if I just ignore him, he'll leave me alone, she thinks from under the mountain.

"Claudia, are you in here?" he's standing where she was seated moments before, but she's buried under so many layers that she's obscured from his view.

She considers ignoring him but, remembering her predicament, she calls out to him despite herself. "I'm here," she groans.

Forging a path through the fallen books, he carefully picks his way towards his sister. Pulling her free, he offers a lopsided, apologetic smile. Unimpressed, she shoots him an irritated glare, smoothing out the newly-formed wrinkles in her sleek, ebony dress.

"What do you want?" she sighs. Soren only comes to her when he needs something, and this time is no different. She doesn't mind; it means he still needs her, and that thought lifts her spirits. Her smile quickly morphs into a wince and she rubs her bruised coccyx, remembering why she was mad at him.

Affronted he asks, "Why do you always assume I want something?"

She raises a brow sceptically.

"Ok, maybe this time I do," sensing the urgency in his voice, she gestures for him to continue. "The Elven Court will arrive any moment.." he pauses for what Claudia can only assume is dramatic effect, "...but no one can find the princes."

A/N: I hope you enjoyed that chapter and if you did, don't be a silent reader! Thanks to my beta midnightpansy!

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