Chapter Seventeen

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Chapter seventeen

It takes four days to ride into the heart of the Enchanted Forest, their progress hindered the closer they get to their destination as the thick mass of trees becomes denser the further they go. When they finally burst through the thicket, a lush clearing unfolds at the foot of an ancient tree. Broken sunlight reaches the clearing floor through the leafy blanket above, the only other source of light flowing from the bioluminescence of various species of magical mushrooms carpeting the base of the wide trunk.

Dismounting, Amaya tethers her horse to the nearest gnarled branch and starts signing to Gren.

"Is this the place?" he translates.

The Moonshadow elves nod, but it's Prince Ezran who answers.

"Buttercup says this is the spot," he says, feeding his horse a carrot out of one of her saddlebags.

The elves share confused looks with one another, but Cal and Rayla had accepted long ago that Ez truly has a gift. Cal slides off his horse, significantly less clumsily than previous attempts and helps Rayla to dismount. She thanks Cal's horse, a midnight black steed with a coat as soft as silk, tossing the saddle to one side and grooming his ebony mane, she rubs his back for a job well done.

Even the humans can sense a strong magical presence emanating from deep within the enormous sycamore tree and the sheer power is unnerving.

Eyeing the soul tree with interest, Cal asks, "So what happens now?"

"Now, we call upon the spirits," one of the elven elders whispers with reverence. "You must kneel before the tree and say what it is that you ask for."

Taking Callum's hand in hers, Rayla leads him towards the centre of the clearing, brushing past the magical fungi that glimmers a brighter neon when touched. Finally, they reach the centre of the labyrinth of twisted roots and kneel at the foot of the sycamore.

"Great spirits, please hear our wish; bind our souls together and balance our life spans," she begs. This is their only chance; she needs this to work.

For a moment, nothing happens and the anticipation is palpable. Just before disappointment sets in, the surface of the bark starts to shift and change almost imperceptibly.

As if awakening from a deep slumber, segments of the bark begin to break away, creating vaguely humanoid beings that move stiffly as they pull themselves free. Their tough skin starts to crumble away, refining their features, and their movements become less laboured. The moss and bark melt away revealing beautifully rich green skin and thick, shiny locks of emerald hair. Each spirit wears a slinky form-fitting dress, a different hue of iridescent green with detailing around the hem like pearls.

"Your wish has been heard, child," the nearest of the spirits smiles, lifting Rayla's bowed head with a slender hand.

She produces a silver chalice engraved with ancient draconic runes from thin air, gesturing for them to rise.

"This," -she gestures to the goblet- "is sap from the soul tree. It has many magical properties, one of which is the ability to form a special bond between soul mates. All you need to do is combine it with a drop of blood from you both and the potion is complete. Drink it and you shall have what you desire." Her voice has all the qualities of someone with millennia worth of wisdom, but her face is untouched by age.

Realising that now would be the perfect opportunity to gift Rayla the dual blades he'd fashioned to celebrate their engagement, Callum retrieves the weapons from the satchel at his hip. Handing one to her, they each make a tiny nick in the palm of their hands and squeeze a droplet of blood into the silver goblet. It briefly fizzes and the potion turns deep vermillion before returning to a neutral honey colour. Cal takes the first sip, the mixture sweet on his tongue. Rayla does the same, then hands the empty cup back to the spirit and they wait for the spell to take effect.

Suddenly, Rayla releases a sharp gasp and a rattling cough. Her eyes bulge as she tries to breathe, but she can't; she's choking.

"Rayla!" Cal cries, "What did you do to her?" he accuses.

Rayla collapses to the ground, blood seeping through her fingers and Callum rushes to her side.

"I didn't do anything," the spirit whispers sadly. "Her love for you wasn't true and this is the price she must pay."

"You're lying!" Rayla loves him. He knows it. The spirit's words cut like a knife, but Rayla sputters violently reminding him where his priorities lie. "What do I do? There must be something I can do to save her!" he pleads frantically.

"Only one thing can spare her," she replies sagely.

Cal cradles Rayla's dying form in his arms; she's fading fast.

"I swear, I'll do anything!"

Levitating the fallen blade off the ground and offering the handle to Cal, the nature spirit's face is solemn. All of the spirits' eyes turn pure white and they speak in unison.

"To break the spell that binds the Moonshadow elf, you must take your own life."

A/N: I hope you enjoyed that chapter and if you did, don't be a silent reader! Thanks to my beta midnightpansy!

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