Sneak Peek

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Hello readers! Just letting you know that there is now a sequel in the works! It's a collab between me and a fellow TDP fan, and will either be published on mine or Nezira_'s profile in the near future, so keep an ear to the ground if you think you'd be interested in reading it. Also – as we're still in the early planning stages – we would love to hear your suggestions and ideas, so feel free to leave a comment.

I also want to say a big thank you to @Mikemcgeetv for letting me use his art in each of my chapters. Originally I had the sketches from the credits, but I have recently switched them out for even better, coloured versions, so, if you have a moment, flick back through the chapters and appreciate his incredible work!

Now, time for the teaser...

"So..." Claudia drawls. "Have you told him yet?"

Rayla teases the knots from her snowy locks with a silver, filigree comb. She'd only just woken up when Claudia had pounced on her, so she hasn't even had the chance to make herself look presentable. There are dark bags under her eyes and her skin looks even more pale than usual.

"Told who what?" She croaks.

Every morning for the past week, Rayla hasn't felt so good and she can already feel her stomach twisting uncomfortably. She takes a refreshing gulp from the glass of water Claudia had brought with her when she arrived. Throwing an exhausted look at the raven-haired mage, Rayla tries to swallow the bile threatening to escape, to no avail.

Claudia crosses her arms and sighs. "You don't know yet, do you?"

Rayla would have replied with a rude remark to let the older girl know how much she disliked her condescension, but it's too late. Sprinting to the luxurious stone bathroom she shares with her prince, Rayla only just makes it to the bucket she had set aside yesterday after she had felt particularly queasy.

An acidic taste burns the back of her throat and she gags, but her stomach is empty. Kneeling beside her and plaiting her damp hair, Claudia strokes her forehead soothingly. Rayla's head spins as she feels the urge to vomit.

"What is happening?" Rayla croaks miserably.

"Rayla." Claudia's voice is soft, "You're pregnant."

Want more? Go check out Nezira_

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