Subscribe to Hell!

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Sylveon: So uh...wanna start?

Arceus: Yeah sure...I've got nothing better to do

Sylveon: Since you already ate all my Girl Scout Cookies...


Arceus: *Dumps Red, Blue, Silver, Lyra, and Gold into a wall-less room*

Blue: Where am I?

Red: ...*shrugs*

Arceus: Welcome!

Silver: *Whispers* Yo Lyra, you still got that master ball???

Lyra: No- I used it on a Magikarp

Gold: ...

Silver: ...

Blue: ...

Red: *silently judges*

Lyra: It's a long story...I'd rather not get into it

Arceus: Hey guys! You're our first victims! Er...contestants I mean!

Silver: ...Uh huh...

Arceus: Peanutsfan1 dares Red and Blue to do seven minutes in heaven!

Red: ...

Blue: W H A T N O

Lyra: Yes

Blue: NO

Lyra: YES

Sylveon: Blue, come out of the closet so we can shove you back in it

Sylveon: *shoves Red and Blue into the closet and locks the door*

Lyra: ...

Silver: ...

Gold: ...

Arceus: We'll let them out

Arceus: Eventually

Sylveon: So GoldLeafon35 asks, "Silver, would you rather date Gold or kill Lyra?"

Silver: Kill Lyra

Lyra: W h a t

Gold: What?!

Silver: ...What?

Silver: If I can't have her

Silver: No one can

Arceus: Ahh murder

Arceus: You would get along with Gladion and Hilda, Silver

Nobody: Next

Sylveon: -nyctophiliac- dares Silver to kiss Gold

Lyra: WHAT

Sylveon: And Lyra can't say anything

Lyra: Hmph

Silver: I mean I'm bi but

Silver: Ew Gold

Gold: Yes you better kiss me rn

Silver: What happens if I refuse to do the dare?

Sylveon: We plant illegal memes on you and call Officer Jenny

Silver: Uuuugggghhhh

• Sylveon nudged the back of Silver's legs with her head, "Just do it so we can move on already."

Silver sighed and turned to Gold, who was grinning ear to ear.

"Don't make this weird!" Silver hissed.

Gold smirked, "Oh trust me, I will."

Silver groaned and looked over to Lyra, who looked like she was screaming internally.

Silver looked to the pink fox who was sitting on her hind legs, tapping her wrist with her paw, telling Silver to get to it already.

Sighing, Silver pulled Gold into a short kiss, recoiling almost immediately.

"Sick..." He groaned, wiping his mouth.

Lyra took her hat off and screamed into it, as did Gold, but for different reasons.•

Sylveon: F**king finally

Silver: That was disgusting

Gold: Rude

Nobody: Mom, you should probably let Red and Blue out now

Sylveon: Oh right

• Before Sylveon opened the door to the closet, she pressed her ear against the wood to listen for any noises. She began blushing profusely and walked away from the door to sit next to Arceus and Nobody.

"I'm just gonna give them a few more minutes..." She whispered.

"Ew!" Lyra groaned.

Arceus sighed and slammed its foot on the floor. The three Johto children disappeared from the room. •

Arceus: What next?

Sylveon: I think we may need a better game plan

Nobody: Ya think?

Sylveon: Next time let's just dump everyone into the room

Arceus: Good enough for me

Nobody: We done here? I wanna take a nap

Sylveon: Yeah let's go

Arceus: What about Red and Blue?

Sylveon: *blushes* They' awhile

Arceus: ...

Nobody: ...

Sylveon: ...

Sylveon: K thx bai

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