*Gives you Hell*

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Arceus: Hello readers!

Sylveon: Can we just get into this? I need to go to bed

Arceus: Fine. Elemeno asks Moon "if you could have one type of snac for the rest of your life, what would it be?"

Moon: Gladion!

Gladion: *gasp*

Hilda: That's surprising

Silver: I thought she was gonna say Link

Gladion: Go to Hell

Hilda: See you there!

Nobody: Another one for Moon

Moon: Ooo I'm popular

Nobody: ...

Nobody: mylovelyinsomniac asks, "Would you ever date Lillie if you had to?"

Moon: I would date Lillie just to date Lillie

Gladion: What


Moon: Well I like Gladion more

Lillie: Hmm

Hau: Ahem

Lillie: What? I don't love you any less

Lillie: I'm just

Lillie: Salty

Sylveon: *holds up a potato* The potato asks what everyone's favorite snac(k) is

Sylveon: *puts a sticker on the potato that reads "smol"* Heh...

Arceus: My favorite snacks are thin mints

Arceus: My favorite snac is Sylveon

Sylveon: I like chips

Arceus: ...

Sylveon: ...

Arceus: And?

Sylveon: And...salsa???

Arceus: N o

Sylveon: Y e s

Moon: My favorite snac is Link

Gladion: W H A T

Gladion: But you just said-

Moon: -Link may be my favorite snac, but you're the snac I want for the rest of my life

Gladion: ...

Gladion: <3

Moon: I love you too

Silver: I enjoy Cheezits

Hilda: Saaaame

N: I like grass

Hau: Malasadas!

Dawn: Paul

Paul: Dawn

May: Literally any food

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