chapter 12 || Tenant . [ 2 ]

91 9 1

JAN 25TH, 2039

PM 02:00:17

second person pov ;

You sought to figure this out. There was certainly something here, something unsettling, that you were completely unsure of. Of course, Connor seemed to be a step ahead of you, with his abilities that were originally implemented in his programs. 

You didn't complain, though. It seemed to help a lot. And you seemed to help him a lot, too, showing him some things that he didn't seem to take note of. He seemed to appreciate your efforts, and it made you feel giddy inside.

Waddling towards the old woman's closet, you meekly peeked your head inside to see if there was anything remotely suspicious. There was a variety of clothing hung up using hangers, and a lot of pictures that involved what looked like the man and herself. You inspected it a bit closer and saw that there were several pictures that shown younger versions of themselves.

You concluded that they're very close to each other, and have lived together for a quite awhile (with the exception of a possibility where the man would be out of town, or flew to another country for a while, or even the old woman, doing the same kind of activity). But neither of them shown any sort of sign that they were adventurous or yearning for places to travel. They seemed content with their established routines and they even rented out an android to help them look after their homes. And they also don't have any pictures of a certain location outside of Detroit, so that proves the point even further.

Unless they have pictures on their mobile phones. 

That would certainly be another story.

You were about to poke your head back out of the closet until you looked up and spotted a brown box on the highest part of the closet. A bit too high, to add, as you were seen struggling to grab at it. 

"Do you need any help, (Name)?"

After a brief pause, you sighed in defeat and quietly bobbed your head to accept the droid's offer. Connor, who was the individual that proposed his aid to you, approached the brown box and reached up to it. And, to your underlying dismay, he did so with ease. And you were left with a subtle bitterness and dissatisfaction, at the mere fact that you weren't exactly tall enough for an even taller closet.

"Thanks," you mumbled, with an unfortunately disingenuous connotation. Somehow, the box that you were now holding was heavier than you had anticipated. And with a gentle shake, you cocked a brow. "what the hell is in this box?"

"Oh, I wouldn't know, (Name). Maybe it's a box of envelopes?" He tilted his head as though he were an innocent puppy — and perhaps he was, who knows. 

Without uttering a word, you reached your hand toward the lid of the box, pulled it up towards you, and ... oh.

A pile of envelopes.

You glanced expectantly towards the android who continued to remain indifferent in his little action. He didn't seem at all surprised at his prospect of seeing a bundle of envelopes in a box. He just didn't, and it seemed that it surprised you even more. But nonetheless, you were amused that he got it correct.

Placing the box down by a desk, you picked up an envelope and noticed how it wasn't sealed shut. You could easily open up the flaps without any worry, but it would have been typical if it was taped together and whatnot. Or glued, if you were a more ... normal person. How does it go again? (Name) wasn't born around the time envelopes were used, surely. It was always devices, and technology, and the little joke where the kidnapper will convince the children to hop in his van because he had Wifi.

the little things || Connor x Female!Reader [Detroit: Become Human]Where stories live. Discover now