Chapter 7 -Classes Start Part 1-

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Mystogen's POV

After the Initiation, I was assigned a dorm but Ozpin said that it was under maintenance so I had to sleep in another dorm for the time being. Ozpin also gave me this world's phones which were Scrolls it was used to get in out of my dorm as well. The dorm I'm speaking of which was dorm 527 have I have no idea who I'm rooming with but as long as they don't try to kill me I'm fine with whoever.

As we were walking to the dorm my ghost spoke up, "So tomorrow classes start, how do you feel about this?"

I shrugged, "This is a combat school so I'll probably go through the combat segment with ease but their other things like their history and such will be something else,"

"Well, let's hope we can start the investigation soon because the more we wait or get pushed back the Vex are a step closer to finishing the vault,"

I sighed, Ghost was right if we wait any longer the Vex will have a grasp on this world that me alone can't break. We finally made it to the dorm where I was supposed to stay for the time being, now I wasn't going to barge in the room just in case so I knocked to see if anyone would answer. Whispers were heard for a bit then footstep came to the door, the door opened revealing Weiss in her nightgown.

"Oh, it's you again, what do you want?" She asked.

"Um, I'm supposed to stay here for the time being while my dorm is being refurbished and such," I said.

She looked at me for a moment, "Hmph alright,"

She opened the door stepping aside letting me in, I saw the other three of team RWBY laying in their beds, Blake was reading a book, Ruby was playing a game on her phone and Yang was staring at me.

"Hello again," I said waving.

"Mystogen what are you doing here?" Blake asked.

"He's here because his dorm is under maintenance surprisingly," Weiss answered for me.

"Oh really~" Yang let out in a teasing manner.

"Don't get any ideas, Yang," I said pointing at her.

"So we have a problem, where's he going to sleep?" Ruby said changing the subject.

"He could sleep with me," Yang suggested with a sly grin.

"I don't trust him with you, so he can sleep Ruby or Blake," Weiss said.

They looked at Weiss shocked at her suggestion.

"Wait what?" I said confused, "No, no, no, I'll be sleeping on the floor thank you very much,"

"Well, I don't see it being comfortable," Blake said.

"Where I come from we had to sleep anywhere," I lied, of course, most guardians don't sleep.

"Well alright, then it's settled if he wants to sleep on the floor, let him," Weiss said.

"Aww," Yang let out, what is that lady planning?

After that everyone went to sleep, I laid there waiting for about an hour making sure everyone was fully asleep. When I was sure I got up and went for the door opening it then closing it quietly.

"Alright, Ghost lets get this mission started officially," I said walking down the hall, out the main door, and to the courtyard, "Now Ghost did you see anything interesting when we first arrived to now?"

"There was no point of interests but the Emerald Forest would be a good place to start," Ghost said, I agreed on this and walked to the forest.

"Now let's get searching," I said pulling out my Origin Story and going in.

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