Chapter 19 -Finishing The Mission-

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Ghost's POV

I warned Mystogen about the train about to crash before I could think of a plan Mystogen grabs Neo and shields her from the oncoming disaster. The train violently shook, the cargo car we were in got thrown around only for a few seconds.

"Guardian down!"

A appeared in front of a pile of metal debris that was covering my guardian, I looked to see Neo even though he was my guardian he would want me to check the civilian even if this civilian is part of a major crime job. I hovered over her and scanned her she only had a few cuts and bruises and her vitals were fine, her aura must have healed some of the wounds. She moved slightly noting that she was awakening, she slowly rose to her feet and looked around and then eyed me.

"Good to see your''re awake," I said before going over to the ruble, She walked towards me, "My guardian is in there, you should go before more Grimm show,"

She was hesitant to leave for some unknown reason.

"Don't worry he'll be fine if that's what you're worrying over, he's been through much worse," I said, "You must get going, please,"

She nodded ran to the hole that the train caused, I resurrected Mystogen and the ruble began to move until he rose from it he lets out a grunt. His armor took a beating from the crash mostly his visor and cloak, his helmet was dented and the visor was broken showing his eye, the cloak was torn. He gripped his helmet and twisted it making the air that escaped hiss, he pulled it off and threw to the ground.

He lets out a sigh, "There goes a great helmet,"

"Well, at least you still have your horn,"  I said.

"That is true," He walked towards the hole until he heard something behind him.

We looked behind us to see what we were looking for all this time in the distance a replica of Atheon.

We looked behind us to see what we were looking for all this time in the distance a replica of Atheon

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"Ghost whisper me!" Mystogen yelled and of course, I summoned it in his hands.

He took aim at the glowing chest shooting it which only seem to make in angry as the fact is started to run at us. Mystogen backed up before turning back to the hole and ran towards it, Mystogen was never the one to retreat but this was something that he couldn't do alone. Before we could make it out it closed up we looked behind us to see a fist getting thrown at us.

Third Person POV

As the breach of the walls was contained and the hole was sealed everything to see over before the hole was breached again chunks of the wall were knocked to the ground and the Huntresses and Huntsmen looked at the renewed hole with weapons at the ready when the smoke cleared they saw Mystogen running towards them yelling.

"Mystogen you're-!" Ruby said before getting cut off.

"Get back now!" Mystogen yelled before he could say anything else the replica of Atheon walked into the street of Vale and lets out a screech.

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