Chapter 14 -A Suprise Spar-

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Third Person POV

It was another usual day at Beacon Acadamy, team JNPR, RWBY, and HUTR were in Professor Goodwitch's combat class. The students of the class were waiting for a match to start between team CRDL vs. Pyrrha Nikos, a four against one situation which interested everyone even Mystogen who never paid mind to the fights that usually go down. As the team waited in anticipation mostly Ruby and Nora which Mystogen brought up.

"Why are you two so excited for this?" Mystogen asked he was too but these two were out of their seats excited.

"How couldn't you be! I'm ready to see bones being broken!" Nora said throwing her fist up in the air.

"Okay...What about you Red?" Mystogen asked setting his eyes on her.

"I just can't wait to see how Pyrrha uses her weapons against them," Ruby said.

"You act like we haven't seen her use her weapons," Mystogen said.

"But this is different, she's going against a whole team by herself!" Ruby said excitedly.

"I guess that's a reason," Mystogen said directing his eyes back to the stage.

As team CRDL came out weapons ready Pyrrha came out just a minute after them both fully armored and ready to fight. Glynda looked at CRDL then Pyrrha and cleared her throat.

"Team CRDL are you ready?" Glynda asked which the team nodded, "And you Miss.Nikos are you ready?"

"Yes," Pyrrha simply said.

"Well then let the match," Glynda spoke the five went into their stances, "Begin!"

(I won't try to write it because it better to watch than me trying to describe it)

The room lit up and Glynda spoke, "And that's match,"

Cardin who is on the ground groans, "Lucky shot,"

"Well done Miss.Nikos, You should have no problem qualifying for the tournament," Glynda said.

"Thank you, professor," Pyrrha said.

"Alright, now I know that's a tough act to follow but we have time for one more sparring match, any volunteers?" Glynda asked the class, nobody volunteered, "Miss Belladonna?" Blake closed her book and looked at Glynda, "You've been rather docile for the past few classes, why don't you-" 

"I'll do it," Grey said raising his hand.

"Mercury is it? Very well, let's find you an opponent," Glynda spoke looking at her scroll.

"Actually, I wanna fight... him," Mercury said pointing at Mystogen.

Mystogen was caught slightly off guard, "Me?"

"I'm afraid Mr.Mystogen is only a spectator of the matches, I'd suggest you choose another partner," Glynda suggested, it was true Mystogen was only a spectator but only for the reasons that he had no aura and the weaponry that he had could puncture someone's aura quickly. 

"Don't worry Professor Goodwitch it's fine by me," Mystogen said getting up from his seat, "I wouldn't mind sparring someone," 

The two went down to the stage on opposite sides and looked at each other, Mercury looked at Mystogen with a calm look even though he hated him for embarrassing him at the bookstore a few days ago and Mystogen looked at Mercury like he was scanning him, Mystogen was cautious of him because because he would have to get close which will be hard with those boots of his.

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