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Night crept across the vast sky, taking the place of the sun for the children of the night. The stars shimmered in the black void but were too far to make a difference in light. All was well, animals asleep except for most, the sleep deprivation swarming up and consuming people. It was all too peaceful: maybe even a perfect night. That was not the case for someone else.

In the darkness of the night, there was a young male. His radiant dark gray eyes were the only noticeable thing in the dark. His body was weak as he was slightly slouched over, blood rushing down his frail and small body. His eyes were heavy as his vision was blurring, trying to remain conscious.

How did this happen, thought the young male? Why did it happen? Thoughts of all sorts rushed into his mind as he tried to remember what was happening. He reached his arms up to grab his head as it throbbed in pain, gaining a moan from the male. He needed to find help.

He forced his tired and heavy legs to move, not wanting to pass out over the blood that was continuing to pour out his small body. He hunched over, his arms reactively moving to his stomach to clinch it. He closed his mouth, forcing it to remain close. The heavy metallic smell of blood was getting overwhelming as he felt something desperately trying to climb out of his throat. He swallowed roughly; forcing the substance back down. His eyes widen as he brought his head down, opening his mouth as he projected the vomit onto the ground. His nose twitched as he got the idea that blood was thick in it.

Come on, Kota, just last longer until civilization, he thought--trying to convince himself that he would make it. He let out a whine as a stabbing pain coursed through his stomach and throughout his body. "I... I can't last.." He spoke out in a weak and tired voice.

But you can!

He moved a hand weakly to his necklace, giving it a gentle squeeze. "Grand Ni. Please, help me.." He croaked out.

No response.

He let out an exhausted sigh, soon forcing himself to start walking. His vision was beginning to get blurry as his body was getting heavy to the point he might collapse from sheer exhaustion. As if on queue, his legs gave up, causing the male to fall onto the ground. He didn't bother to move his body much as his body would've forced him to stay still. He lifted his head up slowly as darkness flooded his vision.

He could've sworn he saw some figures land in front of him before the sweet embrace of darkness took him in.

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